
Friday 28 January 2022

Dumb Responses

In response to US trade sanctions of Iran ....

Sanctions On Iran By The US Have Bitten Hard ....

..... the Ayatollah Khameni authorised a purge of Iranian officials, involved he claimed in economic sabotage of Iran.  

But who this might actually mean, its hard to see, as Iran is hardly chock-a-block with US sympathisers and traitors .... and in fact the idea that anyone in Iran would be stupid enough to risk being arrested for sabotage in that benighted land, is frankly absurd. So the idea that anyone actually in the Iranian government is stupid enough to be practising economic sabotage, seems faintly ludicrous, given the fate they would face.  

Also, as Covid-19 deaths soared in Iran (unofficially its many times worse than the official figures of 100,000 plus), the Ayatollahs officials said in August that the importing of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would be permitted, so long as they were not produced in the US or UK. They had been using the Russian and Chinese vaccines, but only in small amounts, with under 20% of the 83 million population being given at least one dose by then. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had forbidden the use of vaccines made in the US or UK in January, and of course that means they can't use the AstraZenica vaccine as its UK developed.

Meanwhile the other stalwart of Islam, the Grand Poobah of Constantinople, Life President (if ballot stuffing, and locking up all the opposition has anything to do with it), Erdogan, has said that, as he's already arrested everyone who has ever lived in Turkey, he can't really purge anyone for the economies failings, or he definitely would. However as the sole representative of life in Turkey, he would instead boycott US iPhone's to aid the economy. 

Vestel Venus - The Turkish (sort of) Phone Of The President

He's going to get a Turkish made smart-phone instead ... he suggested the mid range/performance Vestel Venus as a possible alternative .... but, it operates on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 processor, and Qualcomm is a USA company. So that means that the USA will make money one way or another .... err, well, so perhaps not a Turkish one exactly, but maybe a Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra ... We don't want to be too silly do we?

He has also bravely suggested that he will transfer all his US dollars, into the nearly worthless Turkish lira to save the nation. Oh hang on, his millions of dollars are in a secret family account abroad, which he denies having, so scrap that idea as well. 

Big on hyperbole, small on performance the lot of them.


  1. It appears that the Iranians do Mossad's job for them .... such is the Iranian fear and propaganda about their semi-mythical abilities to infiltrate anywhere, that they now see Israeli spies everywhere and arrests are regular, but rarely if ever proved. The paranoia means that the Iranians waste resources and people looking for mostly non-existent spies, including executing the officer in charge of counter-intelligence against Israel in Iran's ministry of intelligence.

    Ex-President Mr Ahmadinejad later confirmed that he believed that Mossad had infiltrated his intelligence ministry. He said: "Is it normal that the most senior officer responsible for the control of Israeli spies, responsible for confronting Israeli plots in Iran, himself turned out to be an Israeli agent?" .... of course after the torturers inside Tehran's Evin prison security ward have been to work, most of the accused would confess to anything, before then being executed after a secret trial. This doesn't prove the allegations to be true .... those recently accused and arrested include senior members (commanders) of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), Iranian ambassadors, intelligence officers and even panegyrists (officials who deliver religious eulogies), but how many were really spies for Israel or other powers, is open to question.

    I suspect that the arrests are just trawling exercises in hope of scooping up a big fish with the sardines. The reality is that so far the Iranian security forces have mainly failed to prevent or capture the spies, armed assailants and plotters that they fear are all around them.

  2. Mind you ... Iran does spend a lot of time attacking Israel (and others such as Saudi Arabia) via its armed surrogates in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Yemen and Syria (Hamas, Houthi rebels, Hezbollah,Shiite militia's and Islamic Jihad, all trained by its Quds Forces), as well as via cyber means.

    So its preoccupation with Mossad may be driven by the fact that it knows that Isreal will retaliate for the actions of Iran's allies.

  3. If they really are after you, then it's not paranoia but simply self preservation hah hah hah.

    1. You may well be right. Thanks for the comment.


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