
Friday 3 June 2022

Terf Wars

Stella Creasy has been clarifying her position on the word ‘woman,’ not that anyone actually cared before she decided to go public with her opinion ...

Having A Penis No Impediment
Having A Penis No Impediment ...

 ... “Do I think some women were born with penises? Yes”,
she declared. “But they are now women and I respect that.” ... yes, you read that right.

The Labour MP for Walthamstow is self described as a 'passionate' campaigner for women and mothers ... apparently including ones with willies, said that ‘JK Rowling is wrong – a woman can have a penis. Sometimes you have to break cover and be controversial,’ she said .... more like break cover and declare your stupidity. So now God and Nature are put aside in favour of minority politics. Is Ms Creasy aware that at least two women have been raped by 'women with penises' in prisons and hospital wards?

Real women are being betrayed by these Transgender activists and supporters. The Social media giant Twitter has taken sides with the trans rights activists by refusing to unlock a lesbian feminist entrepreneur's account, unless she deletes a tweet that was  'quoting'  UK law.

The exact quote from Angela Wild was that  'Men should be banned from women's spaces  - and they are'..... e.g. feminist rights, and physical spaces such as changing rooms and toilets etc, which is the current law in the UK. She was then 'mass-reported' by trans activists, in order to get her account locked. Twitter then told her she had breached their 'hate speech policies' even though that's the law in the UK. Twiiter have suspended lesbians accounts before, over allegations about transgender activists.

Talking to a newspaper, Ms Wild said: 'The past five years of my life have been hell. 'I've been relentlessly targeted by trans rights activists and their witch-hunt campaign to instil fear into anyone who doesn't agree with their views.'

She has been supported by the brave JK Rowling, who has already felt the full force of the cancel culture trans trolls herself. The author, has faced accusations of transphobia after she mocked an online article in June 2020, which used the words 'people who menstruate' instead of 'women'.

'I've been labelled a 'terf' - a trans exclusionary radical feminist - a transphobic bigot, hateful, a Nazi, over social media, and had some of my personal details published online'.

'My products are based on my own views. I do not accept the idea that anyone can have a cervix. It's simple biology that only women do. It's ridiculous that we can't even say that - how is biology now viewed as hate speech?'

'What I have experienced first-hand from trans activists has been intimidating and frightening - it shouldn't be allowed to happen. No one should have to be subjected to the abuse I and many other women receive on a daily basis. It's disgusting and simply not right'.

'Transgender activists are trying to stifle free speech by tearing down anyone who wants to express gender critical views - It's unacceptable!'

Recently the BBC has been forced to admit that it was wrong for a Radio 4 programme presenter, Tom Sutcliffe, to claim that JK Rowling had “a very unpopular opinion regarding gender identity”.  The words misspoken were "J K Rowling who clearly has a very unpopular opinion regarding gender identity and has, as a consequence of that, faced severe and serious criticism ...”

The broadcaster’s Executive Complaints Unit admitted that  there was “no conclusive evidence” that those with a different view to the Harry Potter writer “represented a majority”. Actually how about the fact that Ms Rowling's views, almost certainly represent the 'majority view' which was why the BBC got 584 complaints. 

The Start of The Terf Wars 2017
Terf Wars 2017

These 'terf wars' between lesbians and transgender groups are not new. but have grown in intensity over the last decade ... laughable in some respects as these minority groups battle it out, but as women's sports are now finding, women's spaces are being eroded by these men dressed as women.


  1. Trans trolls.

    1. I guess many would think so. Thanks for the comment.


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