
Friday 3 June 2022

Its All About Us

There has been an increasing trend in recent years for black i.e. African descent peoples, to claim sole ownership of certain subjects .... 

Mauritania's Haratine Ethnic Group - Hereditary Slaves Demand "NON A L'ESCLAVAGE" - NO TO SLAVERY
Mauritania's Haratine Ethnic Group - Hereditary Slaves


 ..... so  for instance, Slavery, can only be black Africans enslaved by whites, at least in the eyes of the woke black western diaspora.

Which is palpable nonsense - In fact in 1981, Mauritania in Africa became the last country in the world to officially abolish slavery, and as recently as 2018 Mauritania was being condemned for its continued acceptance of heredity slavery

Ironically the dark skinned Arabic-speaking Arab-Berber Mauritanian elite self-identify themselves as 'Biden' (White), and enslaved Black Arabic speakers (or 'Sudan'), but not the countries non-Arabic speaking Black Mauritanians, who for some reason were not enslaved. In general, all Blacks in Mauritania are referred to as ‘Abd, ‘Abid, Abeed (slave, slaves). 'Slave or forced labour markets' have reportedly also recently sprung up in Libya as well.

In the Sudan, the 'Arab' Janjaweed terrorists refer to the Black Massalit farmers by a derogatory word, "nawab", which refers to slaves. So where are the BLM activists protests about Arabs treatment of blacks? .... nowhere that's where.

Because in current Black woke ideology, race hate, can only be by Whites on Blacks, and racial inequality can only be Blacks being disadvantaged by White societies ..... this is termed White Privilege which of course is in their eyes classed as a historical sin. If a black community leader tries to tell the truth about the black communities current condition, he is attacked by members of his own community as an Uncle Tom, even though he speaks of the reality not the fantasy. 

When black people are murdered each year in London (another killed today), the fact that virtually all the killers are also black people (and not white), suggests that Black Lives Matter. is at best misdirected in its white targets, or more likely, just a politically motivated left-wing movement or even a fraudulent scam, that has nothing to do with the reality of the black condition in the US or UK

The fact that as well as being responsible for probably 100 per cent of black murder deaths in London and elewhere, black males are also responsible for the killing of other races as well, is a little matter that is simply ignored .... it begs the question, if black lives don't matter to black people, why should they matter to the rest of us?

This subject ownership trend is illustrated by claims such as that made by the comedian / actress Whoopi Goldberg (real name Caryn Elaine Johnson), who recently claimed on her TV show (ABC's The View), that the Jewish Holocaust was "not about race, It’s about man’s inhumanity to man," but that the Nazi genocide of the Jews actually was just between "two groups of white people".  

An Apology Of Sorts
An Apology Of Sorts .....

She has of course since issued an apology, stating that she was 'sorry for the hurt I have caused' ... she also stated that she had not known that the Nazis claimed that Jews were an inferior race, and that she now stood corrected. This despite the fact that New Jersey, and New York both teach the holocaust as compulsory classes in schools.

Now the irony of this particular furore, was that Ms Johnson (stage name Whoopi Goldberg), has long claimed herself to be Jewish by descent, despite there being no DNA evidence to support that idea. "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black ..... I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays" ... "People would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.' ... 

However this claim to be Jewish, was apparently disabused by her mother Emma, who has been reported as saying that they had thought that the family's original surname (Johnson) was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a TV/film star. So the name Goldberg was actually chosen by her and her mother, to promote her career, in what her mother thought was a 'Jewish run show business', by giving her a Jewish sounding stage name? .... Hmm???

A researcher, Henry Louis Gates Jr. has also found that all of Ms Johnson's (Goldberg) traceable ancestors were African Americans, and that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, with none of her ancestors being named Goldberg. This lack of Jewishness was reinforced by the results of a DNA test, carried out in 2006 for a Public Broadcast Service documentary, called African American Lives, which traced a very large part of her ancestry to the Papel and Bayote people of modern-day Guinea-Bissau in Sub Saharan Africa (92 per cent), with just 8 per cent of European origin (and apparently no Jewish DNA - I know that its identified if found, as I have a 15 percentage of Ashkenazi Jewish DNA myself, that was picked up in a DNA test).

Actually I can also well believe that despite her claim to Jewish descent, she was ignorant of what Nazism stood for, but that's another story .... by the way she has previous form for opening her mouth without too much thought, for instance by her defending male friends. who have been accused of using violence against women. 

But of course, her defending of friends who have not been found guilty of crimes in court, can be seen as commendable, despite the criticism it has attracted e.g. She defended her friend Bill Cosby before he was convicted of rape (later released on a technicality but now facing fresh claims) - after all 'innocent until found guilty' is the whole point of our legal system .... but the fact that she is usually unrepentant for her views, even after convictions, stating that "Whoopi has never been about political correctness," (... or reality it seems), does attract criticism. 

In other areas of ownership, if a black person has their feelings hurt (even by so called micro-aggresions such as putting a potted plant on your desk) by a white person .... then there are lawsuits, and often false claims of discrimination ...with calls for 'affirmative action' i.e race quotas and race discrimination, often in favour of less well qualified ethnic minorities. But no other race can claim the same discrimination against black people, who by current definitions are incapable of racism, or discrimination apparently.

In fact of course, none of these issues of discrimination and slavery are owned by black people, who in truth of fact are very late (apart from in the Muslim Sahel region), largely 19th century entrants in to the worlds history. Slavery was part of the human condition for millennia before the incursions by white Europeans opened up black Africa to slavery ... the Arabs of course had been enslaving black Africans for thousands of years.

Religious and ethnic discrimination are not new phenomena either: Jews have been discriminated against in Europe and the Middle East, on and off for two or three thousand years. Both Protestants and Catholics have had their lives threatened and had restrictions on their employment and where they could live, in different countries across Europe since the 16th-century Reformation.

Slave Market - Yemen 13th-Century AD
Slave Market - Yemen 13th-Century AD

Slavery has been occurring for three or four thousand years (well before Black slavery by White Europeans), and Arab and Black slave traders have been active for at least a thousand years or so.

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