
Thursday 28 August 2008

Compulsory Black Slavery Classes in UK

This Government is just taking PC politics to the most pathetic extremes to win a few ethnic votes .....
Roman Slaves Pouring Drinks
Roman Slaves Pouring Drinks
.... the latest is that we will be compulsorily teaching about the role of Slavery in the rise of the British Empire.
"It is hoped that this will give pupils an understanding of the make-up of the UK today and put immigration, the Commonwealth and the legacy of the British empire into a clear historical context." Hmmm ... Well for those who interested in historical facts, and not a PC driven farrago of lies and half truths (including the fact that most black slaves were taken by African or Arab slavers not white Europeans), here's the slavery lessons they won't be teaching in our PC paradise ....

The slavery issue prompts more revisionism than any other part of history, mainly because the "facts" keep getting in the way of the Myth.

  • Inconveniently it's a fact that the earliest written records such as the Code of Hammurabi (circa 1760 BC) show slavery was well established without a black person in sight.
  • The Romans had far more White European and Asiatic slaves, than they ever had Black.
  • The Anglo Saxons had White British slaves (recorded in the Domesday Book property records in 1086). 
Viking Slave Collar From Dublin
Viking Slave Collar From Dublin

  •  The Norse Vikings founded Dublin (Dyflin) as the first town in Ireland in 841AD, in order to take Irish Slaves.They also took Slaves across Modern Finland, and The Baltic States, as well as Slavic peoples from the modern Ukraine, and Russia.
  • There were Black tribes with Black slaves, long before the whites ever got there.
  • It was Black slavers from the coastal African nations and tribes who provided most of the Black slaves sold to the Europeans, and also to the Arabs who slaved for the Syrian and Saudi Arabian slave markets (even today its alleged).
  • Black 'Moors' (The "Blackamoors" of Shakespearean terminology), from North Africa, regularly slave raided Europe as far as Cornwall (England) as late as the **17th century. In 1627 AD Moors kidnapped 400 men and women from Iceland. Dorset historian David Burnett reports that in 1638 AD, the corsairs even pillaged Poole in England, and the last Muslim slave raid in England was in 1720 AD. Today there are still slaves in the Muslim black states of Northern Africa e.g. Mali.
Making this a purely Afro-American and White slavers affair is a historical nonsense (and an insult to all those others around the world who suffered or are suffering slavery) when faced with these "Facts". But it won't stop the PC revisionists from trying. And now they have succeeded because lazy politicians like Kevin Brennan will not trouble to dispute this nonsense as being the only "Facts". 

Google searches will find the other well documented history re-writes.

*Not all black historians or commentators have fallen into this dead end intellectual trap.
"Blacks were not enslaved because they were black, but because they were available. Slavery has existed in the world for thousands of years. Whites enslaved other whites in Europe for centuries before the first black was brought to the Western hemisphere. Asians enslaved Europeans. Asians enslaved other Asians. Africans enslaved other Africans, and indeed even today in North Africa, blacks continue to enslave blacks". - Thomas Sowell, a black sociologist, author and columnist

**White Slaves were imported from Western Europe to North Africa in the 15th and 16th Centuries. In all about 1.5 million Europeans were transported to the Barbary Coast. It was a period when Europe was preoccupied by sectarian wars and north-western European navies were depleted.

The trade was run by the Moors and the expeditions were often captained by Europeans (Those who had converted to Islam to escape being slaves themselves), with North African crews. They would raid coastal areas and carry away sometimes whole villages to the Moorish slave markets. It appears that women often fared better, as brides, than men. The true record of this history has not yet been fully researched (and never will be in the UK).

1 comment:

  1. Why are we not taught this at school?


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