
Sunday 3 August 2008

The Voice of the Taliban

There have been more reports this weekend that the voices of the Taliban heard in radio transmissions in Afghanistan (and presumably Iraq) are often with Birmingham and Yorkshire accents.

This is not new news as the reports were originally written in February but I was struck on how quiet our Dhimmi government is on the fact that British passport holders are travelling abroad to kill British (non Muslim) soldiers.

I tried to think how we would have reacted in less PC driven times ... Churchill put all those of German or Italian descent in the UK, into camps for the duration of the war, and whilst I think that would be a step too far, it surely isn't unreasonable to promise to hang (as traitors) any UK Muslim captured in Afghanistan and Iraq, regardless of the excuses.

Furthermore I would strip their families of their UK passports and deport them all to the country where their son was captured and hung..... they want a Muslim paradise, let them live in one.

A real threat to themselves and the benefit (welfare) cheque lifestyle of their families, might just make these little fucks think twice.

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