
Sunday 3 August 2008

Stalking As A Defence Plea

A man, Barry George, who was convicted of murder 8 years ago has been freed because he "Couldn't have killed the woman he was accused of killing because he was too busy stalking another victim".

Only in the brave new world of the PC driven west, can a defence be that the accused was too busy harassing another woman, to have taken the time to killed the one he was accused of murdering. As usual in these cases, you find on closer examination that a piece of forensic evidence (in this case gun shot residue on his clothes) was ruled as inadmissible at the retrial, so the verdict alters ..... the police won't be looking for anyone else, which about sums up what's happened.

This man will try to get 'compensation' despite being a known and persistent 'stalker of women', whilst the family of the victim (a well known media personality), will never get closure on the terrible event. You can hardly make these stories up.

Update: His claims for compensation for £1.4 million for wrongful imprisonment were eventually dismissed at great expense in the courts. However he did get undisclosed damages from the UK press. No one else has ever been charged with Ms Dando's murder.

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