
Friday 8 October 2021

Educationally aWoke

In the US, and increasingly also in the UK, the trend towards historical revisionism, in order to appease the left-wing and ethnic minority groups interest in emasculating the white males role in society, has gathered pace.

Schools that teach pupils that “white privilege” as an uncontested fact, are breaking the law!
Schools that teach pupils that “white privilege” as an uncontested fact, are breaking the law!

So much so in fact, that we are seeing US style woke practices being openly proposed here.

Guidance published by Universities UK (UUK) group, which represents vice-chancellors, states that training should be given in understanding racial “micro-aggressions,” to tackle racial harassment on university campuses. Also recently there have been calls (by the ‘Birth to 5 Matters from the Early Years Coalition’), for nursery teachers in the UK to be trained in "understanding white privilege ... focused on white privilege, systemic racism, and how racism affects children and families." While the Religious Education teachers' association has also called for Primary school pupils to 'learn about white privilege.' 

Someone famous once said "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character  – that is the goal of true education" ... not to propagandise for a political idea, that has not got large or any support in the wider community. These ideas about race, are hardly supported by facts, and are not tested by the ballot box, but yet they are being pushed in to the public sphere by self appointed minority interest pressure groups.

The ‘Birth to 5 Matters' from the Early Years Coalition document states that “It is a mistaken assumption that treating all people in the same way, and ignoring differences in race is a sufficient response to racism. This approach simply allows the continuation of bias in society which disadvantages people from black and minoritised groups," but here comes the kicker "Instead of a colour-blind approach to race, more proactive anti-racism is needed".  

So in effect teaching anti-white historical sin .... of course for years these same pressure groups have been claiming that a 'colour-blind approach to race,' was what was needed in job and careers, but apparently not now. 

So now we are heading towards a world, in which its not, each according to his ability, or one where everyone will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. But rather in to one in which whites will be called historical sinners, where their "white privileges" are to be condemned and countered by "proactive" measures ... in other words school, employment, promotion, opportunities are to be corrected by quotas (See the BBC's alleged employment practises) based on skin colour ... aka racism.

These particular education reports do not reflect current UK Government advice, and are being presented by these pressure groups, as an alternative to the governments official Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidance ... so are teachers going to be allowed to select and teach to an 'alternative' guidance set of ideas? Well not according to Kemi Badenoch the Women and Equalities minister, who said the government does not want white children being taught about “white privilege and their inherited racial guilt”.

"Any school which teaches these elements of political race theory as fact, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police, without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law"

Of course the so called education establishment, is a particularly fertile ground for this type of trojan horse takeover process, full as it is, of many white socialist educators, who love to self flagellate themselves, apologizing for every perceived slight to the sensibilities of immigrant minority groups, or even for our very existence as a race, while forgetting that if history had been different, then these minority groups would not be here at all. 

For example had slavery in the British Empire been abolished in 1607 instead of 1807, then no black Africans would ever have landed in numbers in the Caribbean and US colonies (as slaves, or indeed in any other guise), until at least the 1960's. Similarly the West Indies would have remained white only colonised then, and so white majority populated now, and not Afro-Caribbean. In other words, if it hadn't been for our colonial past, many of the black ex-colonials wouldn't be living here now. But for the sin of slavery, the millions in the black diaspora alive today would still be living very much poorer lives in the countries of Africa now. So there was a positive outcome of possibilities for millions today, directly because of the misery suffered by earlier generations. 

An independent review set up by the Prime Ministers office in the UK concluded that Britain is not an institutionally racist society. The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities said: “We no longer see a Britain where the system is deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities.” .... But how about a Britain where the system is increasingly deliberately rigged against the ethnic white majority? 

Maybe stopping schools teaching any elements of political race theory full stop, would be a better approach?

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