
Friday 22 October 2021

Wasting Police Time?

In the new woke world that we live in, about the worst crime imaginable is a race crime by a white person on an ethnic minority (especially black people) ....

Race Perceptions May Vary .......

.... This can come in the form of outright assault (actually rare, even by pressure groups interpretations), or verbal insults, or micro-aggressions. These last 'crimes' are claimed to be very common, especially if you care to see an insult in every action, or are looking to get money as 'compensation' for an alleged slight or wrong.

So it was no surprise when the UK police forces all started to set up 'hate crimes units,' but in London the Mayor, Labours Sadiq Kahn also wanted the Metropolitan police to set up a unit to police the Internet for digital hate crimes in April 2017. 

The digital hub is manned by at least 5 full time police officers, and presumably some support staff (IT, Clerical Administration, etc), and up until December 2019 had cost over £1 million to run .... and what have taxpayers got for this investment? Well not very much if truth be known.

After logging 1,851 incidents (presumably using their own interpretations of the hate crime definitions, so a fairly wide remit), just 17 incidents were deemed worthy of further investigation for charges to be laid, and only 7 of those actually resulted in actual prosecutions. A further 59 incidents were deemed sufficiently serious enough to allow the police to give warnings, youth referral orders, or school interventions, and demand apologies be given. 

What this suggests is that:

(a) The actual amount of criminal digital hate crime, is actually low.
(b) That the vast majority of what little digital hate crime is identified and is prosecutable, is actually carried out by teens and school kids on their social media sites aka school bullying in the more sensible past. 

As the Tory leader in the London Assembly said its "an exercise in spin over substance," and that "The money splurged on this project could have been used to invest in additional police officers and protect Londoners from a whole host of crimes including hate crime offences" .... Too true, but a wasted point in the current climate.

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