
Friday 1 October 2021

The Brown Note

There has been an enduring myth and legend in noise research and musical circles ....

The Brown Note - No One Knew What Was Going To Happen Next
No One Knew What Was Going To Happen Next .....

  ... its that of the infamous "Brown Note".

This is an idea that has circulated for some considerable time, that there is a musical note, so low and powerful, that its resonance through a human body (and presumably animal bodies as well), would cause any human upon whom it was aimed, to uncontrollably lose control of their bowels and spontaneously crap themselves.

This sound was/is known in urban legend as 'The Brown Note' ..... funny though that description and the idea behind it is, sadly it appears to be just a fiction. Its not even very old, and appears to have been created in a spoof article written as recently as 1974. That doesn't seem so long ago to anyone my age, although I concede that to anyone under the age of 50, it probably seems pretty long ago (getting old sucks!!).

The 1974 article described a new musical instrument, a giant horn, that was said to have given an entire audience the shits with a rendition of 'God Save The Queen' (The British National Anthem) at the instruments first (and only) unveiling in 1850. But the whole tale was completely fictitious, and of course scientists have tested every sound frequency they could on the human body, without ever inducing that affect in the grateful test subjects.

Which is a pity, as the very name 'The Brown Note,' and the story behind it, makes me laugh every time I come across it .... 


  1. HaHa. Loved this post. The idea of a 'brown note' is just so funny, and I like the accompanying picture as well. Thanks for making me laugh.

    1. Hi Kathy. I am glad that someone else found the idea of The Brown Note funny. Thank you for the comment, much appreciated.


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