
Friday 22 October 2021

Canine Critical Comment

Mayor Susana Prieto was doing her Mayor thing ....

Maimara - The Lady Mayor Opening The Building
The Lady Mayor Opening The Building

.... by opening a new government building in the Argentine town of Maimara, on the evening of 23rd June 2021 to a small crowd of one man and his dog. She was suitably attired with a face mask, and along with other dignitaries she was due to give a speech.

So despite the small crowd, when her turn came and she was handed the microphone, she started giving her prepared speech (which was being filmed and streamed live on the mayors official Facebook page). However, like all politicians she was aware that not everyone had voted for her, but the risk of a bit of heckling is part of the politicians lot, and in any case seemed unlikely (and in any case could possibly be edited out of the streamed version by her staff).

But unbeknownst to her, at least one member of the sparse crowd apparently wasn't impressed by her oratory, and they intended to let her know it ..... so they sauntered up to the declaiming politico, and pissed down her leg, before trotting off unopposed.

Dog Makes Statement - A Four Legged Political Assassin Strikes
A Four Legged Political Assassin Strikes ...
Fortunately it wasn't a human protester, but a more unexpected constituent making a comment ..... a dog. Gamely the Mayor continued with her speech without halting, giving no indication that her soggy pants leg was now warm and gently steaming.
Why he chose this method to get the mayors attention, or register his displeasure, isn't known .... but as one viewer, ‘LadyGordiva_’, remarked "I don't think he voted for her" .... while a Twitter user ‘NefariusI’ also took the side of the doggy protester, commenting: “Even dogs understand better than Argentines what politicians are worth.” 
But at least one person took pity on the Mayor on Twitter ..  “I’ve just come to express my support for the mayor as another victim of dog piss. Yes, twice dogs have pissed on me while I was sat in a square,” said ‘minombreaca’ .... personally I would advice the mayor to change her body spray.

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