
Friday 22 October 2021

Super Vaccines

Scientists are trying to develop a super one shot vaccine against all Covid-19 variants. 

Super Vaccines
Super Vaccines Are On The Way ....

This vaccine would allow the world to not get dragged back in to repeating lockdown cycles as each variant emerges. 
This is not a pipe dream idea, but is something that might take a few years to develop. England's Chief Medical Officer has confirmed that the work is already under way in the UK (and presumably elsewhere) .... of course it will only work if the population takes the vaccine. 
This is a real and growing problem, as the gullible are embracing the anti-vaxxers message, which is gaining ground (fuelled by false news on the social media platforms), and vaccine rejection has become a major problem in the developed world. So much so that diseases such as measles are returning to our societies.
The WHO have reported that there were over 60,000 cases of measles (with 72 deaths) in Europe in 2018, which is more than double the figure for 2017. This is being blamed on what is politely described as 'vaccine hesitancy,' but which is fuelled by the ever strident social media anti-vaxxer movement. A lot of the problems can be traced back to the false reports in 1999, published in The Lancet by a Dr Andrew Wakefield (and given high publicity by the UK's Daily Mail newspaper), that there was evidence of a link between the MMR super vaccine (mumps, measles, and rubella) and Autism in children. 
The doctor was subsequently struck off by the medical council in 2010 for financial conflicts of interest, and falsification of data. But the damage done by these false claims was tremendous, and no amount of peer reviews that have shown the whole claim to be totally false, have stopped this claim continuing to circle the globe. In 2016, a survey in 38 countries found that in Europe overall, 60 per cent (France 65 per cent, UK 55 per cent, and Italy 52 per cent), of those questioned, either believed in, or were uncertain about the link between autism and the MMR vaccine. So much damage has been done, that by 2018 the take up rate of the perfectly safe MMR jab in the UK had dropped to just 87 per cent (in London, the figure dropped to under 80 per cent in some boroughs).    

Personally I would issue heavy fines to anti-vaxxers / vaccine refuser's, and consider refusing their children state schooling, or passports if not vaccinated against Covid variants, as well as preventable childhood diseases. Its all well and good to claim the freedom to refuse as a human right, but you are putting other children or people at serious risk of illness or even death .... that's at best reckless, but arguably manslaughter, or murder, because you know that you are deliberately posing a risk to others. 

We have to face these cretins down by taking the ground from under their feet. I would happily bet that 90 - 95 per cent of these idiots, are just following others because they are easily led (and our society is getting more idiotic), and would simply back down if challenged by the authorities with large penalties .... the other 5-10 per cent are actually dangerous people, who are wilfully putting others at risk. 

I have no doubt that there is a connection between the anti-5G campaigners (5G weakens the immune system and therefore leads to COVID-19), the anti-Covid-19 vaxxers (COVID-19 is either a lie or not anything like as dangerous as made out), and the alternative therapy suppression conspiracy ('natural' cures a suppressed due to influence from the pharmaceutical industry), artificial diseases conspiracy (HIV etc are created), and followers of other conspiracy theories such as the idea of the 'New World Order' (a group of international elites that controls all governments, industry, and media organizations).

These people were not dangerous to anyone but their families, until the Internet and social media allowed them the echo chamber of forums, in which they could all reinforce their own lunacies and pet theories .... and as we have already seen, false news travels as fast, if not faster than the real news. A century or more of progress could all be reversed by false news spread by the ignorant, the gullible and the plain criminal.

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