
Friday 16 December 2022

Coco Nut

Brain damage can make people do funny things ....

Gilbert Sanchez - Taking Tree Hugging To New Heights
Taking Tree Hugging To New Heights

Being hit over the head, by a man with a gun during a row, is perhaps more likely to bring on odd behaviour than not, if that's going to happen. 

This is the situation that affected 47 year old Gilbert Sanchez, of Laz Paz, Agusan del Sur in the Philippines ..... he had been caught up in fight in the towns fiesta, and struck by a gun. His solution to the trauma he suffered, was to climb 60 feet (18m) up a coconut tree in his garden, and refuse to come down. 

The 'Rescue' of Gilbert Sanchez Was Dramatic
The 'Rescue' Was Dramatic

The widower claimed that someone was going to kill him, and that he was only safe up the tree. He would threaten anyone who came near him with a bolo (a large single-edged knife used in the Philippines). Strangely this tree vigil started in 2014, and he wasn't brought down by local authorities until 11th October 2017. They apparently tired of his antics and took a chainsaw to his refuge, but only after placing safety nets around it. He was lowered down still clinging to the tree top.

He had survived up the tree for 3 years because his mother Winifreda, who was now caring for his two daughters as well, had taken him clothes, food, water and cigarettes which he had hauled up with a plastic bucket and rope. He didn't bathe in all the years, and apparently went to the toilet in the tree top. One has to wonder what he thought about at the top of that tree ...

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