
Friday 2 December 2022

Political And State Covid Death Rates USA

With the USA officially declaring that it has had a death toll from Covid-19 exceeding one million ....

Political And State Covid Death Rates USA
Political And State Covid Death Rates USA

.... and the fact that we are all (apart from China) learning to live with Covid (with deaths still occurring, its interesting to compare the US political map, with the official US Covid death rates.

Whilst its obvious that there is not an absolute exact mapping between the politics and death rates ... in the South East and Mid- West states there is definitely some correlation between them (with Arizona as the outlier). Whether this correlation between Covid deaths and voting patterns, reflects Republicans ignorance of pandemic risks, or just coincidence I'll leave for others to decide.

Worldwide the Covid excess death rates don't necessarily reflect politics .... but again there does appear to be some correlation e.g. India is a highly nationalist government, as is Turkey and Russia. Brazil had a hard right government which was in Covid denial. Others though were just too poor to vaccinate the population.

Countries Excess Death Rates Tell The Tale
Excess Death Rates Tell The Tale

So whilst officially the US death toll is the worst in the world ... its hard to believe that this is in fact the true case, as many other countries such as India, and Pakistan etc have assuredly either under reported the exact number of Covid deaths, or are having strangely large, excess death rates in the period 2020 - 2022.

The reasons in the US having so many Covid deaths, are a combination of misinformation leading to a relatively low vaccine uptakes in many states, the lack of statewide mask mandates throughout the pandemic in many states, questionable leadership decisions, a large portion of high-risk populations in some states, and irresponsible human behaviour in wilfully ignoring pandemic regulations.

But even so, measured by the excess death rates the US is not the worst in the world.

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