Scientists and palaeontologists can lean a lot from fossilised human and animal faeces (diets, locations, behaviours and environments) ....
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T Rex Poop - Pooseum |
..... so they always look out for it on archaeological sites and digs, as well as dinosaur bone hunts.
Called 'coprolites', they are found quite often for the practised eye, although to you and me they look like rocks.So I can only image the pleasure of the dinosaur hunter who found a coprolite over two and a half foot long (the worlds biggest), and weighing over 20lbs. The giant turd was originally dropped by a Tyrannosaurus Rex over 700 million years ago and had lain on the spot in South Dakota until it was dug up in 2019.
Given the name Barnum (after the paleontologist who dug up the first tyrannosaurus in 1903), the monster has been put on display by new owner George Frandsen in an exhibition of coprolites called 'Pooseum' in Orlando, Florida.
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