According to the latest crime figures, very few crimes are ever solved .......
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Most Reported Crimes Never Solved |
..... So it seems that crime really does pay after all.
A fact seemingly proved by the fact, that even a cross dressing bank robber was not caught immediately, and was being hunted in Austria. He/She was wearing bright red lipstick, but wore the same outfit for their bank raids. Shame on him/her .... The fashion police were offering £1,700 for his/her arrest (the story was never followed up, so they may still be hunting him/her).
Of course of those who are caught, amongst the women prisoners, many are locked up for love. A H.M Inspectorate Of Prisons report found that half of all the female inmates in UK prisons are only there because they were trying to support a loved ones drug habit by committing a crime.
Also half the women in His Majesties Prison New Hall, West Yorkshire reported that they had been physically or sexually abused as children, and four in ten had been raped at least once. The report by H.M Inspectorate concluded that a high proportion of the prisoners in the system had suffered from some sort of trauma in their lives.
Rather a sad indictment of our society I think .....
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