Saturday, 31 January 2009
Turkeys Honour?
At the economic forum at Davos, where the great, the good and the not so great and good meet to discuss the world economy, the Israeli's were making what was described as a vigorous defence of their actions in Gaza. This apparently upset Turkeys Islamic party Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when he considered that he should have the 'right of reply' but either didn't get any, or only got a limited time span (accounts differ on this point).
He then pulled up his skirts and flounced out, declaring later that Mr Peres' language and tone had been unacceptable, so he acted to stand up for Turkish honour. "I only know that I have to protect the honour of Turkey and Turkish people."
Well unfortunately this blog is all too aware of 'Turkish honour' with its prosecution of writers, genocide denials (of Armenians), disrespect of Christians and Churches and their regular attacks on, and suppression of the Kurds (both in Turkey and Iraq).
The rise of "Violent Nationalism" fuelled by "Turkish Honour" and interlinked with Religious Bigotry is why so many Europeans fear Turkeys attempts to join the EU. The Turkish public who met the plane to proclaim their pride in the PM, had banners greeting Mr Erdogan as "a new world leader" and chanting that "Turkey is with you."
Sounds much like the Syrians, Libyans, Saudis and not much like Norway, Germany or Spain.
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The Arab Press loved him for it though.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, they use emotive language such as SIN to describe the Arab League presidents lack of response to the Perons speech.
The interesting bit is that the Israeli press ask how he can describe hinself as a European, while he acts like an Arab?
Well the Turkish Press on the Same link appear to have supported this blogs view, that there was something Non-European in the manner in which the Turkish PM Acted.
ReplyDeleteSecular forces in Turkey are not completely beaten yet.
Ah a tale of the early days of the new Ottoman Sultan. Gosh they even had a free opposition press in Turkey then ... my how times have changed since this post. He's now (life time?) President, with the press all neutered or pro his Islamic party. He's even less European now, and more like Iran now than ever.