Saturday, 20 June 2009
South African Rapists
These figures are simply appalling, and in a civilised world would cause shock waves in the South African tourist industry, and demands that any society that could act this way be ostracised until it was reformed.
However as its "The Rainbow Nation" this complete collapse of civil behaviour is ignored, downplayed, or apologised away by all the foreign ministers, despite the imminence of the world cup next year. I wonder if this wilful downplaying, of the risks of sending their citizens to what is virtually a war zone (with 22,000 murders every year, rape apparently a national sport, and even visiting sports teams getting robbed, how else would you describe it?), are not actually in criminal neglect of their duty of care?
South Africa has fallen a long way in the last decade or so, and any PC apologists for a nation of rapists are welcome to debate this opinion with me.
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
Girls shouldn't go on their own to SA, and certainly not walk about on their own after dark.
ReplyDeleteThat counts for a lot of countries especially in the Middle East but I take your point.