Monday, 28 September 2009
Broken Britain - Barwell in Leicestershire
So easy is it to find these stories, that I hardly bother to report them .......... however, one so terrible in its human consequence, and so lacking in its official response has come to light today, nearly 18 months after the events took place, that I feel compelled to pass it on immediately.
Fiona Pilkington, a single mother of two handicapped children lived in the small Leicestershire village of Barwell. On the face of it, the village is genteel and passes this face to the world, but in fact whole streets are ruled by gangs of teen thugs, confident in the certain knowledge that the council, courts and police can do nothing to them.
These street scum discovered the family of Mrs Pilkington as early as 1992, and over a final period of 11 months (there had been decades of torment), they targeted them to near nightly attacks, while the rest of the street stood by and the police did nothing. In fact the police chose to treat each incident reported as 'separate and distinct' rather than the obviously sustained and persistent attack on the Pilkington family, that the attacks obviously were.
According to reports, most of the gang coalesced about the members of a few 'troublesome' families, who apparently are above (or even protected) by the law. The local Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council acknowledges that there are continuing problems from the same families.
In 2007, when these final terrible events took place, the council spoke to four families about their children, but one family refused to meet them and continued to cause trouble, with apparent impunity. "Throughout this tragic case, this family still continue to cause trouble to this day," community safety manager Ron Grantham told the inquest. "One of the particular offenders of anti-social behaviour continued to cause problems, it's not just one, it's members of the family." This family, have been identified as the Simmons family by one left wing newspaper, the rest have not risked it.
He conceded the case had not "put confidence" in what the police and council do, but said they had introduced "an awful lot of ways to stop anti-social behaviour". Although what these "awful lot of ways are" are, and why families on these streets are still apparently terrified, two years later, is not explained by Mr Grantham. Nor is the fact that, despite the Simmons family being 'council tenants' they have not been evicted, in spite of years of 'troublesome' behaviour.
One of the braver residents described the gangs in the area as "And they've got this look on them where 'You can't touch me... because of all these politics and rules you can't touch me, we can do what we want'." .... The gang's leader used to shout at the Pilkington house: "We can do anything we like and you can't do anything about it."
And the terrible human consequences alluded to at the start of this article?
Mrs Pilkington, so despairing of any official help, after an attempt by these thugs to force themselves into her house one night, got into her scratched and battered car with her 18-year-old daughter Francecca, and drove to a local wood, and there she set fire to the car with herself and her daughter inside.
They both died this terrible death, rather than live in the Britain being created by PC politicians, who put the 'human rights' of these scum, above the rights of a law abiding and loving parent, such as Fiona Pilkington.
The Police response to these terrible events of 18 months ago? Well Chris Tew, the former Assistant Chief Constable of Lincolnshire told the inquest, "Things have moved on quite considerably - there would be a totally different response today than there was then."
The arrogance in this last remark is quite astounding, considering the fact that the gangs are still patrolling the area untouched by police or council, with the law abiding cowering behind their curtains awaiting the bricks or stones coming through.
Perhaps the saddest aspects of this story is that there are elderly or disabled people across the estates of the UK, who are living the experiences of Mrs Pilkington, and where are their voices amongst the hand wringing? Nowhere to be heard.
Will anything change for them? No, no laws will be amended, nothing will be done to really tackle these "troublesome" families, and Britain will continue to sink into the cesspool that PC politicians deem to be its only future.
It's enough to make you despair ..... politicians in the UK will reap what they are sowing by their inaction.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Stupidity Knows No Colour
It reminds me of that Scottish fisherman being "interviewed" by a US TV Reporter which unfortunately is not available on the web, but a real classic of incomprehensibility
But I found a contestant of the Miss Teen USA 2007 competition - Ms. South Carolina who is asked a question then answers something else ....... kinda, which shows stupidity knows no colour.
Ticket To Ride (To Mars)

Now, if we can just crack the transportation propulsion method, then we have it sorted, cos a new road map has also been discovered.
Saudi Reforms?
These calls for our deaths are heard around the world and should be stopped, after all we don't call for the deaths of all Muslims, but maybe we should so they would know what that's like. It is very common for the Friday prayer in Muslim societies to end with the Imam calling for the destruction of the "kuffar", the un-believers, to which the worshippers respond "Amen"...... Often the prayer calls specifically for the "Death to Israel, Death to America, Death to Britain" etc etc
Before you think the age of reason has finally arrived in the Islamic heartlands, he went on to say that they were permissible if the interests of Muslims were harmed ..... so no change there then.
Rambling Muammar
The 'Gadfather' aka Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was once again on top form, with a 'record breaking' 94-minute debut UN speech .... well if not 'record breaking' (he did not even come close to Fidel Castro's 1960 General Assembly record of four and a half hours), then at least epoch making.
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Gadaffi At UN |
Yes, in his first ever UN speech, the great man told the world how it really is!
Friday, 18 September 2009
Just A Few Genes
Scientists from Emory University in Atlanta, US, have discovered that an animation of a yawning chimp will stimulate real chimps to yawn.
On another story, the worlds tiniest parrots (members of another animal species that shows remarkable intelligence) have been found .... the tiny birds, which are not much bigger than an adult person's thumb, are smaller than some of the insects with which it shares the forest. On average, buff-faced pygmy parrots (Micropsitta pusio) stand less than 9cm tall and weigh 11.5g (0.41oz).
As we destroy the forests, amazing wonders are discovered only to be destroyed forever, and we show no shame. The link has film of these amazing creatures.
Oldest "Ring of Bells" In The World
The oldest of these bells were cast in the 1440s but have not been heard in 25 yrs, but a restoration has allowed them to be hung again, and now they are pealing over Ipswich once more.
This restoration is expected to draw bell ringers from across the globe, attracted by the chance to pull the oldest 'Ring of Bells' in the world. You can hear them on the link, and imagine yourself a ten year old boy called Thomas in 1481 AD.
Konspiracy Korner
Every one knows that QE33 NY was the first plane to hit the twin towers in New York, right? ..... So
- Type QE33 NY into an empty word document.
- Select text and make the font size 48.
- Then make the font 'Wingdings1'..... So?
- Type NYC into a word document.
- Select text and make the font size 48.
- Then make the font 'Wingdings1'.....
- Type NYC into a word document.
- Select text and make the font size 48.
- Then make the font 'Webdings'.....
Repeat the same Wingdings process for UN .... us Non Muslims are doomed.
First disclaimer, actually neither plane hitting the twin towers had the Q33NY code attached to them, but conspiracists don't let the 'inconvenient truths' destroy a good theory.
Conspiracies, you gotta love their convoluted and devious nature ..... for an explanation of 'Wingding' messages and other urban myth explanations, got to
Death March 950 AD
Whether they were Vikings (likely) or Saxons is not absolutely certain, but the mass execution and grave rings uncannily true with events in the 20th century, in Iraq or the Balkans.
We have not improved much in the last thousand years.
Football Cheating and Retribution
The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) led by president Sani Lulu has rejected the use of MRI scans, while Sports Minister Sani Ndanusa has said that "We will not deviate from Fifa's requirement in terms of ascertaining players' true ages. Fifa wants MRI scans used and we're going to adhere to that, simple." I suspect that the Minister will win this fight....
The reason I have any interest in this story (apart from the obvious parallels with Nigeria's notorious reputation for fraud and Internet scams), is that in 1989 Scotlands under 16's team got to the final of this competition where they faced Saudi Arabia.
According to eye witnesses, there were gasps from the crowd when fully bearded Saudi 15 yr old's marched onto the field for the final. A friend told me that it looked as though there wasn't one single player under age 17 (at least) in the Saudi team, and some looked to be in their 20's!
Even now, twenty years later this 'robbery' still rankles over the border .....
Saturday, 12 September 2009
The "H" word in Israel
The catalyst for this tale was the sentencing of former welfare minister, Shlomo Benizri, to a four-year sentence for taking bribes, and his imprisonment Masiyahu Prison in central Israel. Corruption in Israel is as endemic as in the rest of the Middle East, but the difference is that they do get caught and punished.
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Haredi Call Police Zionist Gestapo ..... |
It was some of Mr Benizri's haredi supporters who proclaimed their disgust at his imprisonment with the extreme terms "a disgrace" said one, "a holocaust," said another. These supporters from the Mea Shearim, the haredi (ultra-orthodox) Jerusalem neighbourhood, have put up posters calling the Israeli police - with whom some haredi men are regularly battling at demonstrations over a number of complaints - "Zionist Gestapo".
This use of Nazi terminology is not restricted to politics, with Jerusalem hospital doctors who uncovered a case of child abuse in the community described, by outraged haredim, as "Doctor Mengele's" and hard line settlers calling the police "Kapo!" (A kapo was a class of inmate at the Nazi concentration camps and death camps, whom the guards used to do some of their dirty work on the ordinary prisoners).
All Jews detest it when the term "*Holocaust" is used by others in casual references, or situations that are palpably not a holocaust, such as when arabs refer to Gaza as a "concentration camp" and the treatment of Palestinians as attempted genocide, or when Hamas deplores draft UN plans for Gazan children at UN schools to be taught about the Holocaust because - in the words of a Hamas spokesman - it is "a big lie".
However to the haredi, these language constraints just aren't in place, because like all religious nut cases, they are utterly convinced that they act with Gods blessing, and therefore any constraints don't apply. One liberal rabbi, whose parents are both Holocaust survivors, managed to smile in wonder, as he told dinner guests from America about how some haredim were comparing Jerusalem's main hospital to Auschwitz. "It's amazing how they jump straight in with the most extreme language they can, and then they just turn it up a notch or two."
*The Oxford English Dictionary traces the etymology of "holocaust" back to 1250. It meant a sacrifice completely consumed by fire. From the 17th Century it carried wider connotations of utter destruction
Worlds Oldest Jokes?
AIDS is a mass murderer!
Apart from the matter of taste, I was surprised by this story because I was under the impression that any mention of the Nazi Party were Verboten in Germany?
Ah well, just another case of one set of laws when it suits and another when it doesn't.
Unconsidered Consequences
So, when a Government Minister, John Denham, starts saying that the English Defence League, ostensibly an 'anti Islamic' group, are using the same provocative tactics as "Oswald Moseley's Brown Shirts", one has to snort in derision.
- Which party has recreated the political climate of the nineteen thirties again in our inner cities?
- Who has squandered over a trillion of pounds on a 'spend spend spend' economic policy, which has turned to bust?
- Who has presided over the rise of the BNP and other right leaning parties?
Now labour politicians such as Mr Denham, are trying to prevent white working class people being "exploited" by [right wing] extremists ..... presumably as opposed to being exploited by the Labour Party, which has run these communities as private fiefdoms, with middle class candidates parachuted into these areas which they would never normally step foot in, and then perceived as disregarding local sensibilities, in favour of immigrant wishes?
Mr Denham has said that there is a clear link between increasing support for the far-right and discontent in predominantly white working class communities. No Shit Sherlock!
The rise of the far right in the UK is a direct response to the immigration policies of the left being foisted on the UK, and the practise of not allowing local party members to select the parliamentary candidates ....... unconsidered consequences are often the most dangerous.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Dutch Cartoon, No Jewish Mobs On Streets !
This despite the fact that 'free speech' is the very thing that allows them to propagate their creed in the West, and the fact that Muslims themselves have **portrayed Mohammed at various times in history as well as there being various western depictions of him in the past without comment.
Well now in an ironic twist, an Arab organisation, the Arab European League (AEL), is to be put on trial in the Netherlands over its publication of *a cartoon deemed offensive to Jews. Dutch prosecutors said the AEL cartoon was "discriminatory" and "offensive to Jews as a group... because it offends Jews on the basis of their race and/or religion". The AEL at first took the cartoon down after the prosecution threat, then reinstated it as as an "act of civil disobedience" because of 'double standards' being applied against Muslims.
Oddly, no Jews rampaged through the streets of Europe, burnt Arab flags, defiled Korans, or boycotted Arab goods (are there any?) ....... instead Jewish groups rather mildly said it was not reasonable for the AEL group to express its opposition to alleged bias against Muslims, by attacking Jews.
Ronny Naftaniel of the Center for Documentation on Israel, said: "Imagine if Dutch Jews insulted Muslims every time they heard an anti-Semitic remark. What kind of perverse world would we be living in?" ....... I'll answer that, we would be living in the Islamic world.
* Warning: These links may offend Muslims or Jews.
** In 1999, Islamic art expert HRH Princess Wijdan Ali (Jordan) who is herself a descendent of Mohammed, wrote a scholarly overview of the Muslim tradition of depicting Mohammed, which could be downloaded in pdf format. In that essay, Wijdan Ali demonstrates that the prohibition against depicting Mohammed did not arise until as late as the 16th or 17th century, despite the media's recent false claims that it has always been forbidden for Muslims to draw Mohammed. Until comparatively recently in Islamic history, it was perfectly common to show Mohammed, either in full, or with his face hidden. Even after the 17th century, up to modern times, Islamic depictions of Mohammed (especially in Shi'ite areas) continued to be produced.
"Human representation in the form of a portrait is considered a taboo among a minority of Muslims who believe that any representation of a living being is banned in Islam. The subject of the Prophet Muhammad's portraiture, however, is considered a taboo among the greatest majority of Muslims, including those who do approve of and practice human figurative representation. Yet, there were many illustrations of the Prophet in early Mongol manuscripts from the Ilkhanid Dynasty down to the Ottoman period. This paper will look into these early portraiture's and their development from the fourteenth up to the seventeenth century. It will investigate the motives behind the transformation that had occurred on the depiction of the Prophet, which included the development from the open face to the written word." Unfortunately the article link from which this excerpt was originally taken was removed but I have found another here. But remember this has pictures boys and girls, so don't open unless your sure you won't be religiously offended.
Eyewitness Hitlers Suicide
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Rochus Misch ... Living History |
All very laudable, especially since so many of the younger inhabitants of the UK have such a loose understanding of world or UK history that they don't actually know who Hitler, Stalin, Churchill etc were (the Americans are just as bad).
Greedy and Money Grabbing Africa
Last week Ministers from 10 African countries met to demand billions of dollars in compensation for Africa because of damage caused by global warming. This was to be paid by whites (and maybe the Japanese).
Then this week came the news that a group of South Africans are taking legal action against companies in the US (Barclays, Daimler, Ford, Fujitsu, General Motors, IBM, Rheinmetall and UBS) who they have accused of aiding and abetting South Africa's former apartheid regime.
Part of the claims, include the fact that the companies produced parts for vehicles which were used to carry out the assassinations of liberation movement activists, and or unprovoked shootings of black people during the apartheid years. I am mildly surprised that all the others e.g. Tyre manufacturers, petrol companies etc are not included in these ridiculous claims ...... in fact why not sue the manufacturers of chains for their part in slavery .... oh too late, its already going through the US courts.
The greedy little bleeders (the lawyers), aren't messing around, the the 26 complainants in the case are hoping to get up to $400bn in damages from the companies. Yes $400 billion! The annual GDP of South Africa is a mere $282.6 billion.....
If they win, and were granted anything like that amount, all these companies would immediately go bust, and about a million people would instantly become unemployed (with several million more to follow) ....... but hey, at least 26 blacks and their lawyers would be well off, with $15 billion each, and that's all that matters in the PC world..
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Blog Archive
- Broken Britain - Barwell in Leicestershire
- Stupidity Knows No Colour
- Ticket To Ride (To Mars)
- Saudi Reforms?
- Rambling Muammar
- Just A Few Genes
- Oldest "Ring of Bells" In The World
- Konspiracy Korner
- Death March 950 AD
- Football Cheating and Retribution
- The "H" word in Israel
- Worlds Oldest Jokes?
- AIDS is a mass murderer!
- Unconsidered Consequences
- Dutch Cartoon, No Jewish Mobs On Streets !
- Eyewitness Hitlers Suicide
- Greedy and Money Grabbing Africa
Its a Pucking World

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