And after the Labour Party (are they 'Old' or 'New' Labour these days?), was 'Harmonised' last year. So that there would in the future be a 50% quota (ability no longer has anything to do with female appointments), of female shadow or cabinet posts in a Labour Shadow or future government, then we feared the worst ....
So when the Prime Minister told Angela Eagle, a female Labour MP who had interrupted him during an answer in Prime Ministers Questions, to "calm down dear" (a reference to the catch line in a particularly annoying Michael Winner advert for insurance), then the inevitable happened ...... they took their chance to attack a 'repressive' white male with a vengeance.
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Oops! |
Obviously the concept of the 'cut'n'thrust of political debate and put down' doesn't apply to Labour Wimmin ... how would they have coped with Winston Churchill's put downs to political 'wimmin'?
Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.” Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”
Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.” Churchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.”
Anyway, Harridan Harman waded in and said: "David Cameron's contemptuous response to Angela Eagle MP at Prime Minister's Questions today shows a patronising and outdated attitude to women. Women in Britain in the 21st century do not expect to be told to 'calm down dear' by their Prime Minister". Hang on, are 'contemptuous' and 'patronising' really the same thing .. not in my dictionary.
Mr Cameron later told an audience in Wales: "I don't know what it is about some people on the left. It seems that when they put the socialism in they take the sense of humour out." .. he could have added courage as well given these same 'wimmins' silence on real social issues.
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Too Many "Slags In Thanet" |
Meanwhile, Payam Tamiz, a Conservative standing in Thanet for next week's local elections had to stand down after stating on a website that "Girls who comment under facebook pics boasting to their slaggy friends about guys they've fu*ked and had one-night stands with, are as low as they come!" ...... I have to admit that I fail to understand what is wrong with politicians stating a personal opinion.
If the voters of Thanet didn't agree, they would presumably not vote for him. There are many social commentators who would say that Little Britain has arrived, and that many women are as low as that, and its the 'tolerance' of their boorish behaviour that is driving our society to the dog(ging) .... but welcome to 21st century PC Britain.
I think I know what Churchill would have said to all this PCrappola