In the week that is the
70th anniversary of Auschwitz, the true state of Europe and us has been exposed. I won't reiterate the Muslim attacks across Europe .... but turn to home, where just as in Europe, Jews are targeted in the UK once again, simply because they are Jews ...and the elephant in the room is that not one of the spineless people in our Parliament will admit that its the presence of immoderate Islam that's leading or pushing Europe back in to the dark ages of Fascism, at a veritable gallop.
In a country in which its not beyond living memory when white skinheads used to go
'Paki-Bashing', this week in the news was a gang of what are described merely as 'thugs', but who appear to be of what is sometimes called
'Pakistani Heritage' went out to commit racially aggravated crimes.
Their chosen victims 'Jews' ..... One of the gang, eighteen year old Balawal Sultan texted to the rest ....
'I'm going to go Jew bashing. Ha Ha' ... then he and his Muslim gang mates, Kesa Malik, Hassnain Aliamin, and a 16yr old who can't be named, went out, and with all the bravery of the gang, hid until their chosen victim, one 41 Jewish man who had never harmed them came along. They then surrounded him, assaulting him with blows and threatening to
'kick his head in'. This is part of a trend that's been running
in the UK for a while .... Asian gangs are a fact of life.
Smirking Balawal Sultan ~ Thug or Racist or Just Both? |
When arrested, they all admitted racially aggravated assault, but then the cowardly Sultan tried to plead that the attack was prompted by
'Palestine' .... they trot this crap out because they seem to get some credit for this from their fellow religionists and their social workers ... they await sentencing, where no doubt a community sentence awaits.
The victim has been seriously impacted by this attack ....
"I was targeted because of my religion, and now I am scared to walk past members of the Asian community" ....
What's perhaps most disturbing is what the f*ck do we teach instead of history in these PC driven Multicultural days? Even if they are taught nothing else, surely
The Genocide is taught, even to those of
'Pakistani Heritage'.... or are they excused this fact, because its doesn't fit their
current world view?
Even so, maybe teaching them about
'Paki-Bashing', and how similar to
'Jew Bashing' it is, and how quickly they could be victims themselves if they keep attacking us, might it not make them think for a moment?
Last word to one of the last survivors of Auschwitz .....
"We survivors do not want our past to be our children's future".... sadly not many of us would bet with certainty that the camps won't come back again.