
Friday 12 January 2018

Dress Code

What passes as acceptable dress for women in the UK has altered over the years, and with the influx of Islamic values into many areas, it continues to do so

As Seen On Many UK Streets ...

So face veils (which liberals still continue to insist are worn by only a few women in the UK), are now commonly seen in many, many, towns and cities, and even those without the Niqab or Burka, will wear head coverings ....

This of course is a massive switch from the trends of the 1960's when mini skirts and hot pants were considered to be almost feminist, as a reaction to the more modest dress codes of previous decades and eras.

Twiggy and Mary Quant Dressed A Generation Of Women

Most women in the UK now wear what we would consider to be more or less sensible clothing, that allows for less covering up than the Edwardian era, but perhaps offers less flesh exposure than the late 1960's (except maybe in some night club settings).

However there are small pockets of the country where change is slow .... the streets of Merseyside appear to be one of those spots. Despite the freezing weather this woman was spotted walking the streets and appeared to be naked from the waist down, even in spite of the freezing weather.

A Fashion And Common Sense Criminal

The police were called and questioned her .... but found that she did in fact have micro shorts on, and wasn't technically either immodestly covered, nor breaking the law.

The Fashion Police Were Missing In Action ......

Someone should have called ..... The Fashion Police instead, because she sure as hell was breaking all their laws!


  1. I think she got the attention she was looking for.

    1. I doubt she thought it was attention grabbing, more like her normal attire .... she was after all just walking down a suburban street, not the centre of Liverpool.


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