
Friday 27 July 2018

Death Of A Socialite

In the UK there are still girls that the newspapers like to call a 'socialite' - which means I assume, that they have independent financial means, aka reasonably wealthy parents. There are in fact a remarkably large numbers of such girls still around, and Ms Daisy Boyd was described as such a girl in the popular press.

A Modern Socialite ....
A Modern Socialite ....

These girls are usually educated in all girl private schools such as Roedean (fees £10,620 - £12,855 per term if a full boarder).

They often have fairly meaningless jobs, such as someone's personal assistant, or working for charities that save horses or dogs, or occasionally are described as photographers or artists ... in this case Miss Boyd was described as a sculptress ...
But their principal reason for existence, is often to get married to a merchant banker (or something similar), and provide a womb to breed the next generation of the upper classes.

The International Debutante Ball Takes Place At A New York Hotel Every Year
The International Debutante Ball Takes Place
At A New York Hotel Every Year.

Whilst these types of 'gals' are still fairly common in the UK, they also exist in the US and other western nations as well (as well as amongst the wealthy elites elsewhere). They often live in flocks, in certain trendy areas such as certain districts of London, or the county of Cheshire - these areas could be described as Nookery's, as nookie is the precursor to the marriage to someone with money, which is the ultimate prize.

These locations often see older single 'socialites', ever more desperately seeking a sire for their contribution to the useless classes, before they are swept aside by the younger models. Competition is fierce, and of course every summer sees another flock leave private schools, and offer their younger bodies to the bankers, brokers, venture capitalists and son and heirs, etc, who are their natural predators.

So not unnaturally there are casualties, those who don't find their marriageable son and heir, or worse, found him, then lost him. Miss Boyd was engaged for several years to the heir to the Macmillan family’s £300 million fortune, but after he broke it off in July 2017, she was found dead in October that year at the £5,000-a-week private Nightingale Hospital and clinic in Marylebone, central London. 
She was apparently being treated at the high-end private psychiatric hospital for an 'eating disorder' (which is often a euphemism for bulimia, or a drug related issue, and indeed she was a known drug user), before she died.

Hospital and Coroners Court

Westminster Coroner's Court heard that she had cocaine and a razor blade smuggled into her hospital room before she was found dead. Apparently on the day before her death she had an 'unknown visitor', who signed in at reception using just two initials ('AR') with his unnamed girlfriend. However she apparently had been in possession of cocaine and a razor blade prior to this visit, and was also showing other patients that she had cocaine after that mystery visitor left.

What makes this particular tale of drugs and death even remotely interesting, is that reportedly all the other patients who witnessed the visitor, were 'too frightened' to give evidence to the coroner court about the identity of the 'AR', who dropped off and shared part of that last fateful bag of cocaine on the 4th of October.

This raises the basic question, who could possibly be so powerful or frightening, that rich junkies would keep quiet about them, even in a coroners court? Why were the witnesses not threatened with prison, when their silence was covering up a criminal act? .... its all strangely unanswered in reports. I don't think it smacks so much of a celebrity visitor, but rather of someone who was also known by the other patients, because of their common issue, cocaine.

But this is pure speculation ... I just thought it very interesting that the news reports could mention this unusual set of facts, and then not follow up on it.


  1. I think I caught that episode of The Living Planet.

    I guess every tier of society has their share of problems.

    1. Yes they do, but rich peoples problems are hard for the rest of us to consider as problems. Thanks for the comment Vroomfondel.


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