
Friday 27 July 2018

Fringe Beliefs Not Fringe Any More

Its 'Official', the West is in serious intellectual decline ..... 

US Paranormal  Beliefs 2017 Chapman University

...... well, at least that's all we can believe after Chapman University released the results of a survey of 1,207 random Americans, who were questioned on various paranormal beliefs in the  'Survey of American Fears 2017'

As you can see, 55 per cent of Americans believe that ancient, advanced, civilizations such as Atlantis, once existed. Another 52 per cent believe that places can be haunted by Spirits. While respectable percentages also believe that that Aliens visited Earth in our ancient past, or that Aliens have come to Earth in modern times.

Worryingly, only around a quarter of those questioned hold none of the seven category beliefs in the questionnaire. And just as worryingly, around 5 per cent of the respondents believed in all the fringe subjects covered by the survey.

Belief In Atlantis Is Long Standing
Belief In Atlantis Is Long Standing ....

This latter person, i.e. the person with the highest number of paranormal beliefs in the United States, will tend to be a lower income female, living in a rural area in the Western states. She tends to be politically conservative, and claims to be highly religious, although she actually attends religious services infrequently.

She is either currently single, or cohabiting with someone, and reports her race as “other.” (other race = not White, Black or Hispanic ... whatever that leaves her as) ..... the pity is that they didn't ask who they voted for as President (although I think we can guess for the person who believes in all 7 areas).

What this does confirm is that Fringe Beliefs are not Fringe any more.


  1. We are already removed from our food sources and apparently so are we from our technology and the rational methods which have made them possible.
    Despite our lives revolving on this base of rationality, there are people who reject it (while continuing to profit from it) and put their trust in the supernatural and believe unfalsifiable stories about god, aliens and ancient giants.
    That people allow their emotions to override their brains can be understandable, I don't understand why they defend their positions "to the death" when their irrationality is pointed out and reminded that their beliefs lack any supporting evidence.

    1. Can't disagree with your summary. Thanks as usual for the comment Vroomfondel.


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