
Friday 17 August 2018

Small Stories Travel Well

The is the second of the two shorts posts, as I am away this week.

Bearded Lady

Amy Rebello-McCarthy was arrested in Massachusetts after drunkenly hitting 6 mailboxes in her Mercedes.

It Takes All Sorts - A Happy Drink Driver
It Takes All Sorts - A Happy Drink Driver

Police found a bearded dragon lizard stuffed inside her bra when they arrested her at the scene.

Kiddie Cars

In 2017 more than 1,000 children were banned from driving in the UK. This is a rise from 2014 when the figure was 696. Of those banned, 33 of them were under the age of 13, and all were banned from driving a car for at least 4 years, this before they ever become legally able to drive cars. This number is likely to be tip of the iceberg, and of course all of these children will ignore the ban, and just get hold of cars again probably, without taking the test or getting insurance, or the owners permissions. We have lost the plot ....

Court At The Wheel

Michael Bedwell likes to drive. He has an X type Jag, and loves to roar about in it, even when he's been drinking. He was caught and prosecuted at Hastings magistrates court and was given a years ban.

However he had driven to court, so in Mr Bedwells world, he should also be able to drive home after a ban. He was caught half a mile away from the court house by the police who duly arrested him and took him to the cells where he spent the night before going  back before the magistrates.  

This time he was jailed for 16 weeks for driving while disqualified and uninsured. His ban was extended to 25 months because of his 'blatant disregard for the earlier judgement'. If I am any judge of character Mr Bedwell is likely to be driving the moment he is out of prison ... ban or no ban.

Busted Bus Driver

Grezegorz Erdmanski was a bus driver in Bristol in the UK. He took a wrong turn on his route, and blithely carried on 28 miles into South Wales. This was no mean feat as it involves crossing the Severn bridge. Fortunately there were no passengers on board at the time because he then crashed the double decker bus. He was found to be drunk and over three times the limit, and he was banned from driving, but not from the country ..... makes you wonder how drunk much of Eastern Europe is much of the time.

Nicking Knickers

A truck driver in Tokyo Japan admitted stealing 2,000 pairs of ladies knickers from washing lines.

Its No Joy Ride

UK rail commuters spend an average of two hours and 23 minutes a day getting to and from work i.e. 27 days a year .... car drivers get away with 52 minutes a day. .. bus passengers spend 39 minutes. Time to work from home anyone?

Lost With The Post

When police were tipped off about a man believed by residents to be a burglar, 'casing' the houses on streets in Bishop Storford in the UK, they turned up looking for a burglar, only to find he was a lost Amazon delivery driver. That explains a lot then ...

Ship Ahoy

Dave Harrop of Gosport, Hants England, was awoken by a loud noise outside his house. A glance out of the widow showed that it was thieves stealing his 17 foot boat, which was last seen going down the road.

Wig Wham Bam

A woman in Southend England caused an explosion inside her car after she used an air freshner inside the vehicle and the lit a cigarette. The explosion had enough force to blow out all four doors and the windscreen.

Hairspray Bomb ......
Hairspray Bomb ......

A fireball engulfed the woman's head, and she was only saved from serious burns, as she wore a wig to cover her alopecia, and it was that which caught fire.

Fair Cop, Fare Dodging

In India, rail ticket inspectors on the line between the states of Agra and Mathura, found forty men hiding in the toilets to avoid paying for their journeys .... they turned out to all be police officers. A police spokesman said that all 40 officers had been fined.

Gumming Up The Works

Ferry engineers on the Plymouth to Torpoint in Cornwall run, plugged a leak with chewing gum in a temporary fix that kept services running in November 2017.

Bum Rap

A twenty year old man was arrested in Crawley, West Sussex, England after a string of attacks on women's posteriors  by a man on a bicycle. The cyclist had pinched or slapped at least 13 women's bums before peddling furiously away. 


  1. That air freshener explosion is impressive! ...and I see that it wasn't a unique occurrence.

    I hope you're having a good time in Edinburgh, I look forward to your reviews.

    1. Actually that air freshener explosion was rather worrying. Who hasn't used body spray and then had someone light a cigarette or near a naked flame? .... and yes i had a good time. Cheers.

  2. Ass slapping from a bike is a new perversion to add the ever growing list of strange ways men get sexual satisfaction. I guess the underwear stealer is another.

    It's no wonder that women think men strange creatures.

    1. Those things are manifestations of the sexual impulse, not satisfaction.

      What would be strange is none of the above - either there would be no impulse or everyone is getting satisfaction.

    2. Actually I agree with anon. For some men they get to achieve physical satisfaction from the anticipation and then the sexualised act. They don't need what we might think of as normal sexual contact on top of their obsessive / compulsive interests.


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