
Friday 31 August 2018

Labours Zionist Woes

In a brave attempt to do his bit to try and dispel the idea that the British Labour Party is a anti-Semitic party, its been reported that Muslim Khalid Mahmood MP, had an affair with his Jewish parliamentary assistant Elaina Cohen, which started after he split up from his wife in 2003.
Doing Their Bit For Labour Jewish Relations ... Well For While

But things went dramatically wrong after their affair had ended, when she accused another Labour MP, Naz Shah, of being an ‘anti-Zionist’ in a Tweet in 2016. Mr Mahmood suspended Ms Cohen from her £31k pa job, and (ironically given Labours reported backlog of anti-Semitism cases), began an internal disciplinary process against her. This continued despite the fact that Naz Shah MP was now suspended for his anti-Semitic Facebook posts.

She tried to return to work, only to realise she did not have a job, and accused him of religious discrimination against her (yes, another anti-Semitism case). Her religious discrimination claim was settled out of court in 2017 for an undisclosed amount (so much for MP's expenses transparency), and Miss Cohen still works for Mr Mahmood ..... which makes the whole affair rather dirty on both sides, as well as another unwarranted drain on taxpayer funds, as he used an MP's insurance scheme to pay his legal costs, and another £37k to hire staff to replace her as his assistant.

Miss Cohen is also bound by the gagging order, but still criticised Mr Mahmood’s use of taxpayers’ cash to fund his legal case saying that ‘I complained to Ipsa several times on the unfairness of substantial public funds being used. Ipsa should not be funding MPs in actions against their members of staff.'

Ironically this isn't the first time these two have been in the press .... 10 years ago in 2009, they were caught up in the MPs' expenses scandal after it emerged Mr Mahmood had claimed £1,350 to stay nine nights in a five star west London hotel with his then girlfriend Cohen. They reportedly checked in under the names Mr Khaled and Eleine Mahmood.

Also in 2009 the Jewish Telegraph profile of Ms Cohen stated that she was told by former Birmingham Lord Mayor, Councillor Mahmood Hussain that she should not stand as Labour candidate in East Handsworth and Lozells because constituents would not vote for her, because she was "white and Jewish".

The remarks, which were reportedly heard by a colleague on her car speaker-phone, are apparently racist and anti-Semitic and she allegedly complained to both Birmingham City Council and the Labour Party, but Birmingham City Council did not uphold her complaint. It was not stated what the Labour Party did about this remark ... but presumably nothing.

It seems to many that the Labour Party is now a very grubby little organisation.


  1. Replies
    1. When you consider that socialism is related to the theories of the Jewish Marx and Engels, and were all one, until the First International in London in 1864, then its all the more shameful how the labour movement has developed. But I predicted all this at least three years ago.

    2. Corbyn has never really hidden his views. It's the spotlight of leadership that has exposed him for what he is.

    3. Yet people will vote for him. Thanks for the comment.


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