
Friday 24 August 2018

Special Minority Cases

The BBC has apparently running a 'Big British Asian Summer' .... which of course would be racist if you substituted the word 'White' for one of the words, but isn't somehow when its Asians.

British Asians - Fastest Growing Ethnic group.

Oddly I also don't recall the same being thing run for the Chinese community, but perhaps that's because their self reliant, and integrate fairly easily. Similarly, the 'Big British Asian Summer' was run via its BBC Asian radio network. The BBC don't have a similar channel devoted specifically to any other ethnic group. 

The last UK census was in 2011 and showed that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (listed as Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, and other) 'groups' made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent, Arab groups 0.4 per cent, and other groups 0.6 per cent.

British Religion 2011

However the Muslims made up 2.76million, Hindus 817,000, Sikhs 423,000, so they must have made up at least twice as many as the rest of the 'British Asians' surveyed. Incidentally the numbers of Asians will have boomed in the last decade, and will likely be at least 10 per cent of the population by 2021. 

However, this lack of interest in radio stations for other ethnic groups seems very remiss of the BBC, especially as there is no evidence that the Asian community pay more in licence fees than any other groups (and possibly less), certainly not enough to justify their own separatist radio channel. Surely integration, social and racial harmony comes from sharing with everyone else, not via segregation on your own little used radio station? Ah well, who am I to go against the might of the oh so right on and PC, BBC?

Anyway, as part of the 'Big British Asian Summer', they polled a few thousand of the Asian population .... and guess what? The BBC has found that they are 'more socially conservative than rest of UK' .... shock horror and gasps of disbelief! What, they are not as liberal, democracy loving, and highly integrated as other groups? Go figure!

The poll was of 2,000 Asians - 1,197 were born in the UK - with countries of origin being predominantly India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka - (who spoke English) and set against the results from 2,000 non-Asians (who spoke English). Now before we examine the results, its best to note that the BBC has lumped Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus together as 'Asians', and that has very obviously skewed the results towards a 'conservative' (aka socially backward) viewpoint. So on the one subject that most non Europeans also find difficult, the survey found that more than half of respondents (57 per cent), did not think same-sex relationships were acceptable.  

Now it has to be said that this still leaves a remarkably high percentage who were accepting of same sex relationships (or at least not violently against them), so it would have been interesting to see how that split between Hindus and Muslims etc. Sex before marriage also split the groups, with around 55 per cent apparently not offended by it, but a hardcore 34 per cent were offended.

The question of religions importance was also interesting, as 46 per cent of British Asians said it was "very important" to them - compared to 12 per cent of the general population. Again it would have been interesting to see how that split between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, as I suspect that Hindus would be closer to the general population on this subject.

Perhaps most surprising was that 59 per cent of British Asians trusted the police, which compares favourably to the 65 per cent of of the wider population .... once again it would have been interesting to see how that split between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims.

So why would the BBC miss this chance to show the divergence of Asian views and assimilation in the UK, by differentiating between the religions - especially as I know that it really irks the Hindus and Sikhs, to be tagged with the Muslims as 'Asians', and the BBC often tries to assert that they are not a monolithic ethnic minority, and that opinions differ greatly across different Asian groups?

Well I guess that if you had an hidden agenda to ensure that a certain social group not be shown to be a fifth column for 7th century backwardness, then you would try to mask that fact within a wider grouping ..... otherwise I have absolutely no idea why the BBC would mask this useful information.

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