
Friday 23 November 2018

Love Hurts

Its an interesting fact that we are biologically hard wired to be unable to relive pain from our memories ...

We Don't Actually Re-feel The Pain
Ouch!!! That's Gotta Hurt

By that I don't mean that we forget physically hurting ourselves or even being hurt by others, but that our brain refuses to actually recreate the pain, based on our memories ..... and thank god for that small mercy.

Imagine being able to physically relive the pain of injuries sustained in a car crash or physical misery of chemo-therapy etc. We would never be able to think about any painful moment from our pasts, without fear of what those memories were physically going to bring.

However there is one other aspect of our lives that we can't physically recall by reliving how it felt, and that is 'falling in love'. We can remember how we met, and in a third hand kind of way, we can remember the feelings that it evoked.

Like Pain, We Don't Relive Love Symptoms
Love Hurts .... But Not Badly.

The physical thrill of hearing their voice on the phone, or the excitement of waiting for them to turn up for dates, the pit of your stomach lump if your thought that it might end etc etc ..... but we can't actually relive all those actual physical effects that falling in love brings to us.

All of which suggests that love, is actually a form of pain ..... that our bodies are not prepared to risk allowing us to physically relive the moments when we first fell in love, and certainly not the moments when love ended, because it actually physically hurts. I don't know what made me think about this .... I am not in love with anyone, nor am I likely to be ever again ... perhaps oddly, that's exactly why I thought about this?

Anyway I thought I would I would pass the observation on to the small part of the world who will read this post.


  1. This occurs to me when watching action films or Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge; the pain and exhaustion doesn't come out of the screen or the speakers - it requires some effort and imagination to appreciate that part of the story.

    1. But thankfully, you don't actually live their pain. You just 'imagine' it.


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