
Friday 6 December 2019

Plastic Love

Some men are just bloody strange .... or maybe just eccentric.

Life Long Bachelor Everard Cunion
Life Long Bachelor Everard Cunion ...

Everard Cunion (really!!, that's his name), is 62 years old. He lives alone ...

Bachelor Everard Cunion And His lifesize Dolls
Its An Innocent Hobby ... Honest.

.... well, if you don't count the nine life sized plastic dolls that he shares his accommodation in  Christchurch, Dorset with, that is.

But he apparently never forgot his first (and only?) school love ... well, perhaps unrequited love is a better description. They were at school together between 1968 and 1972, but his infatuation was NOT reciprocated, and just before the final day of term in 1972, a certain Miss Julie Taylor rejected his teenage advances.

Some Think He Lives A Strange Life
Strange Life ....

This rejection seems to have stunned him emotionally .... he then proceeded to live his life with plastic dolls, which he dresses up, puts make up on and who knows what else .... but the flame of that first love burnt on in his heart, and in 2018, after being made redundant at work, he finally plucked up his courage and decided to try and get back in touch with Ms Taylor.

So after he researched births, deaths and marriage registers in order to find Ms Taylor, and even obtaining her wedding photo's, and a full 46 years later, he turned up at her 88-year-old mother Georgina Allen's address (Julie of course was long gone), and tried to hand over a letter .... oddly (or perhaps not, when you think on it), Mrs Allen recognised him and immediately shut the door.

So he then proceeded start jogging past Mrs Allen's home every day for four months, although he never stopped, and allegedly once even followed a woman he thought might be Ms Taylor from the property. He went on to send eight letters addressed to Ms Taylor, in which he 'joked' that his 'kidnapping days were over'. This alarmed both Ms Taylor and her mother, who contacted the police.

Guess what, the police and courts didn't see the joke either, and he was arrested and charged with stalking (even though he never contacted the object of his desires). Mr Cunion initially denied his behaviour amounted to harassment. However, during an appearance at Poole Magistrates' Court, he later admitted to stalking Ms Taylor and harassing her mother.

Marriage Bells Won't Be Ringing For Mr Cunion
Marriage Bells Won't Be Ringing For Mr Cunion ... At Least Not With Anyone Living

He was sentenced at Poole Magistrates Court to 120 hours of unpaid work and ten rehabilitation days, as well as being handed a five-year restraining order, which prevents him from contacting Ms Taylor or her mother, and ‘limited entry’ to Ms Allen’s road.

His lawyer said that there was "Never any threat". He tells me, 'I'm an unconventional person and I find it difficult to communicate'. He felt with Julie there was an opportunity. Redundancy caused him to take stock of his life, and all he wanted to do was see if he could rekindle a friendship with her."

Cunion himself said: ‘I upset her (Ms Taylor) when I was at school and it’s haunted me for 50 years. I was determined to try to find out if she was okay, but clearly I alarmed her. ‘I wanted to find a way of making it up to her. ‘Girls have to be able to reject guys they don’t want and those guys have to accept that. For some reason I have not really been able to. ‘It’s a shame and I do feel really stupid about the whole thing.’  

.... So back to the plastic dummies then?

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