
Friday 27 December 2019

Twitter Wars

The erratic foreign policy decisions of Donald Trump ..... especially over the decision to betray the Kurds to the Ottoman Caliph, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and start another Middle East war, has led to a lot of bitter accusations ....

Donald Trump's Letter To The Turkish President

According to reports, Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan put US President Donald Trump's letter "in the bin", and attacked the US's former allies in Northern Syria.

The treatment of the letter, and the decision behind it having to be sent at all, caused House Speaker and Democrat, Nancy Pelosito, to literally point the finger at President Trump .... with very differing takes on the event.

Trump Twitter view .... He then said Ms Pelosi "needs help fast. She had a total meltdown in the White House today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person." 

Trump's Twitter View Of Events
Trump's Twitter View Of Events ....

Pelosi Twitter view .... Just before the meeting, the US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to condemn the troop withdrawal and according to Pelosi "Two-to-one, the Republicans voted to oppose what he was doing in Syria. He just couldn't handle it so he just kind of engaged in a meltdown".

Pelosi's Twitter View Of Events
Pelosi's Twitter View Of Events .......

Whether its bad for President Trump or not is hard to judge ..... but whether its done Ms Pelosi any good either is a moot point. But the Presidential impeachment attempts by the Democrats under Pelosi, will either push trump into a second term victory (as his support just push back), or remove him entirely from the game, allowing the Democrats a run at a less populist Republican politician.

This is a much divided USA, like the UK.

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