
Friday 20 December 2019

When The Dust Settles

Well the log-jam was well and truly broken ...

Boris Johnson - An Natural Born Election Winner

.... and the electoral force that is Boris Johnson has been unleashed on Britain.

I believe that the mistake of the Labour Party, wasn't just the ridiculous overspending plans (the extra  £58bn WASPI proposal and the Free Internet, for all were probably the deal breakers - where were the free puppies?), nor was it the totally ridiculous Brexit position they adopted, that no one apart from the BBC could explain sensibly, or even that Corbyn was perceived by many as a Marxist supporter of terrorists, and an anti-Semite.

Boris - A Fairy Tale Journey From Mayor To Prime Minister?

..... No, what I believe finally killed the Labour Party was that they forgot the lessons of London.

In Labour voting London, Boris Johnson, the archetype Tory, not just once, but twice was able to win the Mayorship of London, and in fact was never beaten, as he chose to stand down to return to parliament again. What this should have told them was, that despite his often bumbling demeanour and antics, Mr Johnson is charismatic.

Bumbling Boris?

The British people on the whole like him ....  not the left-wing activists who threaten people with violent protest, not the people who live in the London political bubble, who listen to the echo chamber of their Twitter 'Likes', where people of identical views follow each other, reinforcing their own opinions that this is the real world ...  Twitter is not the real world. Nowhere near, and just like the 1980's Poll Tax and Greenham Common protestors, or even the large protest marches backing Remain in the last few years, the Twitter posters falsely thought they were speaking for the nation. But for the million or so who may have protested, or posted on Twitter, there were 64 million who had stayed at home or didn't 'Like' the Twitter posts .... a fact Labour should have considered more.

I believe that Corbyn and his advisors were so blinded by their visceral inbuilt class hatred of the Tories, that they just assumed that everyone else felt the same as their Twitter 'Likes' mounted up. They forgot that outside of London (and a few urban areas ... oh, plus Scotland), there isn't necessarily this inbuilt hatred, even in hardcore Labour areas .... Those who live in the land outside London (and even in London when he was mayor) don't hate him, and in fact they may never have voted for any other Conservative leader, but he's also been seen to be dynamic, positive, and crucially, trying to fulfil the majority of the electorates wishes since taking office from the inept Teresa May.

So with Corbyn now a busted flush, and the Labour Party possibly unelectable as a single party government (Losing Scotland to the SNP has cost them oh so so dearly), especially if the next leader is another hard-line socialist in the Corbyn mould, as he seemingly intends, then it seems the BBC are now casting about for a new hero, or in this case heroine, and have lighted upon the mini-me socialist leader of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon.

Its A Blue Landscape

My god, the BBC is so London lefty orientated, that even the fact that outside of the bubble of London (and the Manchester Liverpool belt), the English and Welsh landscape has turned mostly  blue. A complete rejection of London's concerns, remaining in the EU, mass immigration, and in fact nearly every 'liberal' ideal that the BBC's News editors hold dear to their little pink hearts.

Sturgeon Celebrates As Swinson Cries.

In fact to their horror, all their hero and heroines are now voices in the wilderness - Jeremy Corbyn - gone, to be replaced by who knows who, Diane Abbot - not likely to ever hold office, Jo Swinson - dole queue .... so once again they are, like they were in the Thatcher years, either going to have to take on the role as Her Majesties Unofficial Unelected Opposition, or find a new heroine to get behind.  

Election Scotland 2019

Nicola Sturgeon, is actually a poor choice, as if she gets her way, the BBC will lose its Scottish arm, but what the hey, while flirting with Corbyn and his acolytes, they were apparently happy to watch the economy go down the pan, in a new Venezuela style Marxist state .... so what's the break-up of the British Union? Sturgeon is actually (despite the SNP's electoral successes with 45% of the vote against 25% for the Tories in 2019), actually deeply disliked by many in her country, and her devolved government has a string of notable failures, especially over its budget handling.

Also I suspect that Boris is a bit more formidable when it comes to a biased BBC, than even Mrs Thatcher, because the broadcasting landscape is very much altered since the 1980's .... many people resent paying the TV licence for the BBC, and calls for the privatisation of the BBC are louder every year.

The case for a national broadcaster is only good, if the broadcaster concerned is seen to be on the side of the majority population, and not just for certain minorities and political cliques .... so if the BBC wants to take on the role of the unelected opposition, the case for privatisation will become overwhelming.

Boris may see no good case for letting the BBC remain a privileged broadcaster .... and whiles he's at it, he may consider that the case for not privatising the other hotbed of broadcasting socialism, Channel 4 is even weaker .... so they should be careful about whose toes they step on. 

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