
Friday 28 February 2020

Inclusion Madness?

Barbie now has a Vitiligo doll cousin  ....

Barbie Vitiligo Doll
Barbie Vitiligo Doll

..... Mattel, the makers are trying to be more 'diverse' ....

They are also doing an alopecia Barbie, which comes with wig accessories which can be attached.

Alopecia Barbie
Alopecia Barbie

I am all for making children feel included, but exactly how many children have vitiligo? How many have alopecia? How many of these dolls do Mattel expect to sell? I guess there must be a market for the dolls, but increasingly chemotherapy doesn't cause hair loss, so that market may disappear.

I guess that coming next is, transgender Barbie (both, male genitals and female breasts), where you will presumably be able to determine which way they are heading .... I am simply staggered at how fast and far we have become obsessed with the PC madness.

The BBC for instance has found that currently 11 percent of its workforce, and 12 percent of its leaders identify as LGBT, the highest representation of any UK broadcaster (as far as we know), and way out of proportion to their numbers in the population (around 3 per cent - or even as low as 1.7 per cent of the UK population being lesbian, gay or bisexual, according to the latest study by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)),

So you would think that this is 'over representation,' and therefore non inclusive to people who are not LGBT (if I follow the logic) .... but no, the BBC are apparently aiming to get the figures for lesbians up to 10 per cent (the 10 per cent was based on the now often discredited Kinsey report in the 1950's .... all figures ever since point to 3-4% as LGBT ).

According to the the UK Govt, in 2011 the UK population was defined as 29.5% being aged 18 to 39 years, 26.7% being aged 40 to 59 years, and 22.5% being aged 60 years and over. Racially 87% of people in the UK are White, and 13% belong to a Black (under4%), Asian, Mixed or Other ethnic group (9%).

The BBC reported that People from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds make up 15.3% of their staff, people with disabilities 10.2% and people who identify as LGBT 10.8%. But not content with this, they consider that they need to do a lot more to increase the numbers of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and are actively looking at ways to do this. Even though the figures are exceeding the census figures for the ethnicity profile of the UK population, and quotas based on race or gender are actually illegal in the UK.

The BBC’s former Political Editor Andrew Marr has described the Corporation as a “publicly-funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people”, adding that it is “not impartial, or neutral”. He should have added 'and not actually representative.'

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