
Friday 14 February 2020

Tom And Jihad

The Tom and Jerry cartoon show was blamed in 2016, by a top Egyptian official for rising violence in the Middle East, and Iran's Supreme Leader has compared their US relations to Tom and Jerry at least twice.

Tom And Jerry ... Eternal Foes

During a conference entitled "The Media and the Culture of Violence" at Cairo University, Ambassador Salah Abdel Sadek, the head of Egypt’s State Information Service, told the audience that the Tom and Jerry cartoon, which is very popular with children across the Middle East and elsewhere such as Pakistan, sets an idea in the viewer’s mind that violence is natural.

He said that "Tom and Jerry portrays the violence in a funny manner and sends the message that, yes, I can hit him … and I can blow him up with explosives. It becomes set in mind that this is natural."

The privately owned Egyptian media outlet Youm7 then ran an article entitled "Causing terrorism: 5 charges faced by the cartoon 'Tom and Jerry' in Egypt," which warned parents that the cartoon "conveys negative habits like smoking and drinking alcohol," "teaches children that stealing is normal," "distorts the concept of justice," and helps children "invent sinister plans" using "sharp instruments" such as chainsaws and pistols.

Of course in reality the authoritarian regimes in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, are far more responsible for the idea that violence and suppression succeeds, and there's far more blood on the hands of the Egyptian and Iranian governments for example, than there is on the  paws of a cartoon cat and mouse.

But there has long been a policy of deflecting Muslim populations away from the continued failures of their rulers by blaming the West for all the region's problems. Sadly of course this policy also plays right into the hands of groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, who claim that by attempting to attack and defeat the West, they are able to remove all vestiges of Western cultural influence, thereby taking the Middle East back to its 'glorious past' ..... oh wait, that glorious past was a thousand years ago .... but hey ho, that's what they want.

Homer Converses With God Regularly ....

Other Western cartoons have also been accused of Zionist or atheist plots. Notably The Simpsons who have perhaps been targeted the most often (so why do they show them then?). In 2012, Iran ordered a ban of the Simpsons dolls, explaining that “we don’t want to promote this cartoon by importing the toys.”

In 2014 Al-Tahrir TV an Egyptian television channel claimed  that an episode of the popular show proved that the United States had conspired to cause the Arab Spring revolutions. Host Rania Badawi also later reported that The Simpsons was actually devised by Jewish lobbies and think tanks and financed by Rupert Murdoch.

“The Simpsons is a very influential TV series in the U.S. This animated series is an American production, behind which are basically-Jewish lobbies. I'd like to tell you that this animated series is for adults, not children. It deals with political, social, international, and local issues through its animated characters.

Even more important is the fact that the writers of this series belong to groups of think tanks. They are not written by regular people, using their imagination and their dramatic ability. Instead, they are written by think tanks, by people working in research. They write this series, which is highly influential in America.

It should be noted that this show is financed or produced by Fox News, behind which is Rupert Murdoch, the most influential and dangerous man in the world – just like Mister X, the Egyptian movie character [from the Egyptian 1973 action comedy "The Return of the Most Dangerous Man in the World"] – when it comes to finances and media.
He owns many media outlets and is one of the most influential people in the world. He is one of the people who determines who will become U.S. president and who will fail.

Rupert Murdoch is one of the founders of several very powerful Jewish lobbies in the U.S. A perusal of his biography reveals that he was one of the strongest supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood at one point. All this was done by Rupert Murdoch, one of the main financiers of Fox News, which created The Simpsons series,”
she said. Stunning!

The Simpsons has also been targeted in the past by Turkey, where the Supreme Board of Radio and Television fined a local private broadcaster for airing an episode of the show which was deemed to be “making fun of God.” ..... which one?

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