
Friday 21 February 2020

Right Guard?

Apparently, a study conducted in 2018 by researchers such as Dr Jonas Olofsson in Stockholm University .....

Adolf Hitler (Seated Far Right) Developed A Fear Of Germs Before WWI

.... has concluded that those people (men?) who hold 'strong right wing views' (define 'strong'), also seem to have a strong fear of infectious diseases and concerns about personal hygiene.

The report also suggests that these people are also easily disgusted by bad breath, body odours, and are drawn towards authoritarian leaders like Donald Trump. The sort of leaders who seek the suppression of protest movements and wish to ensure different groups 'stay in their places'.

Its hard to imagine that people actually get paid to come up with this:
  • So are we to conclude from this that people with strong left wing views have no fear of infectious diseases?
  • That people with strong left wing views are oblivious to personal hygiene, and bad breath, and body odour? (strangely, I can believe that Ha ha)
  • That people with strong left wing views are not attracted to strong authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin, or President Xi in China (Lenin, Stalin and Mao also spring to mind)?

I have to say that if ever there was a bit of research that was devised to confirm the researchers own bias, then this was it ... trying to determine political leanings via reaction to disease or personal hygiene, is ridiculous if you cant prove the opposite to be true. 

Its claimed that young Adolf Hitler believed that people who engaged in sex, were condemning themselves to syphilis, while polluting the world by mixing the races. His obsession with personal hygiene was remarked on time and again, even during his youth in 1905 in Linz, Austria, as was his obsession with germs (although when he became Fuhrer, he had flatulence and halitosis). Joseph Stalin was alleged by some to have suffered from a number of personal hygiene problems, not least of which was a condition known as Bromhidrosis.

A little bit of research uncovered that Dr Jonas Olofsson has also been involved in studies such as this memorable one in 2017 that found a connection between the ability to perceive one’s own heartbeat and altruism. "That people who are better at perceiving their own heartbeats, are also better at perceiving other people’s feelings." ..... Hmm, I know people whose heart beat rate definitely goes up when they have to open their wallet in a pub or restaurant. They definitely were not experiencing altruistic emotions.

Which doesn't mean all such research is flawed.  He was also the lead researcher on another study that showed that people who lose their sense of smell in middle or older age, risk dying early. Previous research had also shown a link between Alzheimer’s disease and a diminished sense of smell. This study suggests that olfactory senses are impacted by the onset of brain damage, that can later result in illness and an earlier death. 

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