
Friday 1 May 2020

Fright Night

Alice Connington of Ipswich claimed to her council that she was being tormented .....

Ghostly Music Is Often Human In Source
Ghostly Music Is Often Human In Source

..... by someone or something playing the nursery rhyme tune 'Its raining, its pouring the old man is snoring' in the dead of night. 

She told local reporters that she was left haunted by the experience .... "It was terrifying. I heard it at all times of night, sometimes over and over".

This went on for some months, and council noise abatement officers were put on the case. Far from going mad, they found that there was indeed spontaneous renditions of this tune being broadcast in the locality. After some work, they eventually tracked the noise down as emanating from an nearby industrial estate about 200 yards away.

The nursery rhyme had been set up to be played by loud speakers, and were meant to be a deterrent to trespassers at the unit.

However further investigations found that spiders had been crawling over the motion sensors, and randomly setting the tape off. The sensors have been adjusted and its now hoped that Casper the musical ghost has been finally laid to rest.

In a similar vein, at midnight one night in Ilfracombe Devon, eerie music was heard coming from the locked up and darkened St Philip and St James church. The police were called by frightened locals, and the Vicar was required to bring his keys to open the building.

Inside they found the rather keen church organist, practising orchestral pieces in the dark.

Case solved again Sherlock.

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