
Friday 22 May 2020

Feed Piggy Piggy

A 56-year-old woman had gone out to feed the animals, in a village in the Malopurginsky district of the central Russian region of Udmurtia (east of the city of Kazan) ....

Collapsing In The Wild Boar Pen Is Not A Good Idea
Collapsing In The Wild Boar Pen Is Not A Good Idea .....

..... and then reportedly fainted or suffered an epileptic seizure.

But unfortunately she was in the pig pen when she collapsed, and was eaten by the pigs where she reportedly died of blood loss.

Pigs Trained To Eat Humans .... A Film Trope?
Pigs Trained To Eat Humans .... A Film Trope?

Her husband later found the body, after he had gone to bed early the day before, as he said he was feeling unwell. But after waking to find his wife missing, he came upon her body in the pig pen. Local media reports say a police investigation into the incident had been launched ... they apparently have seen the Hannibal Lector film as well, and had their doubts.

But in fact there are a number of tales of pigs partially eating farmers ......

In October 2012, Terry Vance Garner, a 69 year old farmer in Coos County in the US state of Oregon was eaten by his own pigs. He apparently went to feed his animals but never returned. A family member later found his dentures and pieces of his body in the pig enclosure when they went looking for him, but the rest of his remains had been consumed.

At least one of the pigs had bitten Mr Garner in the past (after he had accidentally stepped on a piglet), and each of his pigs weighed about 700lb (320kg) .... so they were more than capable of knocking him down and then eating him. However police couldn't rule out the possibility that Mr Garner could have collapsed from a medical emergency, such as a heart attack, and then been eaten.

In 2017 I posted that it had been reported that three IS (Daish) militants were killed and five more seriously injured ... while the rest fled from the overwhelming attack by wild boars in Iraq (more details in the earlier post).

In November 2019, 59 year old Texas woman, Christine Rollins, was feet away from her front door when she was seemingly attacked and killed by feral hogs (pigs that have escaped to the wild and started breeding). A medical examiner ruled the cause of death as “exsanguination due to feral hog assault,” using the medical term for severe blood loss.

Feral Hogs In The USA Can Reach Very Large Sizes
Feral Hogs In The USA Can Reach Very Large Sizes

In all, there have been just 100 documented attacks by feral hogs on humans in the United States since 1825, and the attack on Ms Rollins, was only the fifth documented fatal wild pig attack in the USA since that date, even though there are millions of wild hogs in Texas alone. Three of the four previous fatal attacks were by hogs wounded by hunters.

In Europe, as recently as January 2020, Mr Krzysztof, a 71-year-old farmer in Poland, was apparently devoured by his 12 Hungarian Mangalica pigs, after he collapsed (Mr Krzysztof allegedly had a drinking problem and may have fallen asleep), while collecting water from a well on his farm. With just a pile of bones and skull fragments remaining of his body when it was found, its believed that the pigs only ate him when hunger over took them (and possibly the body had started to decompose), as his remains were only found by a neighbour, who went to check up on him in mid January, after not seeing him since New Year's Eve.

Domestic Pigs Are Usually Docile Even When Large
Domestic Pigs Are Usually Docile Even When Large

However, lets not give pigs a bad name. It appears that in most, if not all the cases (The case of Mr Garner seems to be an exception), the farmer has already died before the pigs (often apparently in hunger), have eaten the bodies. Domesticated pigs are rarely violent toward humans, as the figures show, as domesticated animals do not act aggressively when trapped in a pen.

However feral hogs will attack if they feel trapped, and are not to be confused with the domesticated porker.

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