
Friday 29 May 2020

Happy (And Not So) Families

It was estimated in 2014, that one in ten of British men have paid for or regularly pay for sex.

Prostitution Is The Second Oldest Profession
Prostitution Is The Second Oldest Profession ......

The majority of those who had done so had visited sex tourism hotspots such as Bangkok and Amsterdam i.e. were younger, and not necessarily older men.

Of the 6,108 men surveyed for the report, 3.6% had paid for sex in the previous five years and 1.1% in the previous year. Single, professional men aged between 25 and 34 were the most likely to have paid for sex. While in contrast, just 0.1% of the women aged 16-74 surveyed had paid for sex ... I'm surprised is was even that high.

Dirty Dolls

A brothel in Lucerne Switzerland, whose clientèle had fallen on hard times (and probably are about to again), swapped its female staff, for sex dolls, in order to offer a cheap, if plastic experience.

Dildo Delivery

A woman apparently decided that she didn't want her eight inch pink strap-on sex toy anymore, and abandoned it on the forecourt of a Cheshire petrol (gas) station in England. It was handed in to the site manager by a customer, who had found it still in its labelled box (with a £6.00 wine voucher), next to the car vacuum units ..... it still had the ladies name and address on the label.

Surprise Through The Post
Surprise Through The Post .....

The garage manager said that they were obliged to return lost items .... so he wrapped in clear packaging, and posted it in a public post box (after a struggle) .... she must have loved getting that delivery. 

Whose Kidding Who

The website '' ran a questionnaire in 2016, which showed that men are more likely to forgive extra marital affairs than women.

Apparently 67 per cent of men questioned said that they would try to make a marriage work by giving it a second chance, while only 52 per cent of women claimed the same. The reasons give for having affairs were:
  1. Meeting an 'Ex' on Facebook,
  2. Feeling neglected, and
  3. Boring sex lives.

Whole Lotto Love ... Notto

A survey has indicated that one in six of all Brits would leave their partner if they won a sizeable amount on the national lottery. Another quarter would not split the amount 50/50 with their partners or even admit to winning it.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

On the other hand. Scientists claim that people with a happy wife or husband live longer than those who are living with an unhappy partner. The Dutch study of US couples, found that over an eight year period 'spousal life satisfaction was associated with mortality, regardless of socio-economic and demographic characteristics or physical health' ..... or maybe its simply that a happy partner is less likely to nag you to death?

Just Not Worth It?

But despite that last point, the number of men and women marrying each other in England and Wales has continued to fall, and has now fallen to its lowest level on record, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). The number has fallen by 45% since 1972 and the average age at which opposite-sex couples got married was 38 for men and 35 for women.

In 2017 6,932 marriages were between same sex couples, while there were 242,842 heterosexual marriages. Less than a quarter (22%) of all marriages in 2017 were religious ceremonies, with the majority were civil marriages i.e. registry office agreements, which has been the case every year since 1992.

These figures all ignore the fact that they are actually being bolstered by the near 100 per cent marriage rates in the Asian populations (Both Hindu's and Muslims), where of course personal wishes are not necessarily a factor, as they are all seemingly pledged to marry their first or second cousins.

It appears that there are a lot of not so happy families in the UK (and probably elsewhere).

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