
Friday, 27 November 2020

Forfana's Beaver Spotted

In the Anglo-Saxon world, even the mention of beaver gets a snigger ....

A Clean Beaver Gets More Wood
Clean Beavers Is A Meme ......

...... well from men.

Jack The Book Ripper

Police in Herne Bay Kent, England have been left without a shred of evidence ....

Jack The Book Ripper Of Herne Bay
Jack The Book Ripper Of Herne Bay

.... after some of the towns charity shops, and its public library was subjected to a spate of attacks on books.

Not Best Friends Anymore?

Its rather disturbing that the incoming US President Joseph Biden apparently has an unhealthy interest in what happens in Britain ....

Wannabe Genial Irish Man or Angry Leprechaun As President
Wannabe Genial Irish Man or Angry Leprechaun As President

 ...... while absolutely none in the the real worlds hotspots and issues .....

The Tiers Keep Falling

I suspect that we are all secretly beginning to think that we will never get out of the Covid-19 mess.

A Sad But Increasingly Common Sight In The UK
A Sad But Increasingly Common Sight In The UK

We have no bars and we have no shows .... the vaccines (when they actually arrive), will probably be needed annually, forever.

Friday, 20 November 2020

Last Round Up

We sometimes think of cows as somewhat stupid ...

"Stupid Cow" Not Always Fair - Just Very Curious
"Stupid Cow" Not Always Fair - Just Very Curious ....

..... we even use the phrase "You stupid cow." .... to signify this fact.

The Real Elephants In The Room

There's bad neighbours and

Hells Angels As Neighbours Might Not Be Your First Choice
Hells Angels As Neighbours Might Not Be Your First Choice

..... then there's BAD NEIGHBOURS

Flying Tanks

The 1930's and 1940's were certainly an inventive era for aircraft design .....

Hughes H-4 Hercules "Spruce Goose" Flew in 1947
Hughes H-4 Hercules "Spruce Goose" Flew in 1947 - The Largest Flying Boat Ever Built.

I guess it was because there was not a firm understanding of what was, and wasn't possible .... or even what was actually desirable in an aircraft.

Post Religious Decline

A recent report indicated that Muslims have the strongest faith in modern Britain .....

Britain's Main Religions
Britain's Main Religions ....

..... with 88 per cent of Muslims believing there is a God, while only the Christians from the smaller evangelical (often Black) churches come close to the same levels of certainty, with 71 per cent of those questioned believing in Gods existence. 

Friday, 13 November 2020

Wabbit Island Is Purrfect

Now if there is anything more cute than puppies and kittens ....

Baby Bunnies
Who Could Resist This?

... its got to be baby bunnies

The Goats That Ate The World

Invasive plants and animals are part of the curse of modern forms of transport and trade .....

Nothing Can Eat The Poisonous Cane Toad And Live
Nothing Can Eat The Poisonous Cane Toad And Live .....

.... and the cane toad in Australia is perhaps the poster boy of introductions that have gone spectacularly wrong.

Some Don't Do Irony Do They?

Ruby Hamad is another Australian feminist, in something like the Germaine Greer model (although as Ms Greer is apparently 'gender advantaged within immutable white power structures', Ms Hamad may not like that direct comparison) .....

Germaine Greer The Original Aussie Feminist
Germaine Greer The Original Aussie Feminist
Has Had Her Own Go At White Female Culture ...

..... But with the extra chip on her shoulder in that she identifies as an Arab/Australian.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Bird Brained

In the Black Sea region of Northern Turkey, is the home of a very unique language, comprised of whistling.

Whistling Up The Kids Or Talking To The Neighbours
Whistling Up The Kids Or Talking To The Neighbours ......

Its called called kuş dili.

In The Presence Of Greatness

We all have moments when we feel the divine ....

The Vishnu Kalki Avatar As Many Expect Him
The Vishnu Kalki Avatar As Many Expect Him

.... or even the sublime.

Sometimes it comes at useful times, and other times not. But its part of the human experience, whether we like to admit it or not.

Pirate Kings

With the modern pirates of Somalia and Nigeria etc

Somali Pirates Are Small Operations
Somali Pirates Are Small Operations - Not Like The "Golden Age Pirates"

..... the aim seems to be either to ransom the crew, the ship or both. Theft in of itself is not the direct aim.

A Catalogue Of Failure

As we are all aware the UK government's track and trace software and program ....

NHS Track and Trace Failures Predictable
Track and Trace Failures Predictable

..... has been largely a complete balls up.


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