
Friday 20 November 2020

Last Round Up

We sometimes think of cows as somewhat stupid ...

"Stupid Cow" Not Always Fair - Just Very Curious
"Stupid Cow" Not Always Fair - Just Very Curious ....

..... we even use the phrase "You stupid cow." .... to signify this fact.

Yet anyone who works with them, will tell tales about cows curiosity and general intelligence, but also that they are potentially very dangerous animals, with many farmers injured by cows, in attacks. The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recorded 74 fatalities involving cattle between 2000 and 2015. 18 of these were members of the general public, but the remaining 56 were farm workers. Hardly the behaviour of 'Stupid Cows'.

This was highlighted in 2018 when a cow in Poland, that was destined for the abattoir escaped from the compound, smashing through a metal fence, and breaking the arm of a man trying to catch her, and then she jumped into Lake Nyskie, near the farm in Buków, southern Poland, and swam to an island. Three weeks and countless attempts by farmer (including calling a vet - who claimed he had run out of gas tranquillisers - and the local fire brigade), Mr Lukasz to recapture the cow, and the farmer gave up but left it food. Every attempt was thwarted by the cow simply swimming off.

Mr Lukasz did consider having it shot dead but by now the public were interested and  Czeslaw Bilobran, a local politician in the town of Nysa promised that the cow will live out its life in peace, this after another local politician and former singer, Pawel Kukiz, had raised the story of the cows heroic flight on his Facebook page.

He offered to pay for the “hero cow” to be saved from death. "I am not a vegetarian, but fortitude and the will to fight for this cow's life is invaluable. Therefore, I decided to do everything to cause the cow to be delivered to a safe place and in the second stage, as a reward for her attitude, give her a guarantee of a long-term retirement and natural death.”

In Holland, a cow called 'Hermien' (interesting that the Polish cow had no name), made her bid for freedom, by running in to a heavily wooded area near Lettele and evaded recapture for 6 weeks. A crowd funding page raised enough money to buy her, and fund her a place in a cow sanctuary .... strangely the story reports don't mention how the sanctuary recaptured her, when her farmer couldn't.

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