
Friday 13 November 2020

Some Don't Do Irony Do They?

Ruby Hamad is another Australian feminist, in something like the Germaine Greer model (although as Ms Greer is apparently 'gender advantaged within immutable white power structures', Ms Hamad may not like that direct comparison) .....

Germaine Greer The Original Aussie Feminist
Germaine Greer The Original Aussie Feminist
Has Had Her Own Go At White Female Culture ...

..... But with the extra chip on her shoulder in that she identifies as an Arab/Australian.

She apparently is a candidate in media studies and post-colonial studies at UNSW in Australia, where she is researching media criticism and coverage of Arabs and the Middle East. She also wrote an article entitled 'How white women use strategic tears to silence women of colour'. Emboldened by this success, she wrote a book entitled White Tears/Brown Scars' ... which is a continuation of the  same theme, attacking white women feminists for taking the role of "saviour," and betraying women of colour..

Ms Hamad Attacked White Feminists
Ms Hamad Capitalised On The Success Of Her Initial Newspaper Article ......

Its thesis, if I understood it correctly (and I am after all just a rather stupid man, who admits freely that "I know that I know nothing"), is that white women's tears, are a form of emotional and psychological violence against non-white persons, that just reinforces the very system of white dominance that many white women claim to oppose. Of course, as I say, I could be wrong ..... but I doubt it somehow.

Now bear in mind that Ms Hamad strongly identifies herself as Arab/Muslim, rather than Australian, but even so, she apparently has a number of chips on her shoulder bigger than the Sydney Opera House - "eating meat is, in its very nature, an expression of male power and control over the bodies of others." - Yes she is also a vegan.

But her main obsession is 'White dominance' from either males, or other feminists .... strangely she, like another Muslim feminist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Never, Ever, Says:

'Thank god I live in a white society, otherwise I would likely be in a forced marriage to my semi-literate first cousin, with a brood of kids to keep me tied to the house, and living in a truly brown patriarchal world. Beaten legally, available for sex at any time, requiring male permission to go anywhere, and only with a male chaperon. Stoned to death for some 'crimes,' with a legal value of only half that of a man (or with a requirement for supporting male testimony), and barely allowed to drive'  ....

.....because in fact, if they were living in their parents homelands, they would in fact be living in a non-white male dominated patriarchal society like that of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Bangladesh in fact. The world in fact of Sheikh Saad Al-Hijri .....

New Feminist In Brown Dominated Culture
Sheikh Saad Al-Hijri - Feminist In Brown Dominated Culture?

One example of the male thinking in those cultures was given in 2017, when cleric, Sheikh Saad Al-Hijri, the head of fatwas (legal opinions) in the Assir governorate in Saudi Arabia declared, that women "don't deserve to drive because they only have a quarter of a brain" .... of course half the population probably believed it, and the other half feared being beaten (legally of course), if they dared to openly oppose it. 

He has made other enlightened pronouncements such as on women's lascivious natures and thoughts when watching football, and it being grounds for divorce. But the Internet (a western male invention), allowed for safe public comment via social media, and he was banned from preaching, leading prayers and other religious activities by the authorities .... not really for holding the opinions, but for embarrassing the regime by publicly voicing them.

However, while some opposed him, at least one woman agreed "I am a woman and what the sheikh said is correct. The brain of the woman is completely different from that of the man, because the woman's brain is often associated with emotion." .... perhaps she has been under brown male domination too long?

In Pakistan they even tried to arrange a discussion on feminism without any women .... the Pakistan Meninist Society (PMS) chief Arsh Haal, has recently stated that “Women leaders appearing to do well covid-19 is because it’s the feminists who created coronavirus. In fact it is evidence which proves beyond question that feminists were behind the creation of the covid-19 in a lab.” ... enlightened to their very cores!

I wonder if these anti-white male females, actually believe that the western secular world was simply made by Allah, as a place where Muslim women can sound off safely, because they would be dead or in hiding, if they did so in their ancestral cultures .....

The irony of them having this platform, and attention, and safety, only outside of their own culture, and them living in the only one where they can freely abuse those who give them this safety, just seems to escape them. 

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