
Friday 27 November 2020

Forfana's Beaver Spotted

In the Anglo-Saxon world, even the mention of beaver gets a snigger ....

A Clean Beaver Gets More Wood
Clean Beavers Is A Meme ......

...... well from men.

Now, if your not a normal English speaker and don't understand the reference I am making, then I'm afraid its going to require some delicate explanation, as this blog doesn't want a 18+ rating.

Essentially, the term beaver can refer to the lower parts of a lady (which are normally covered by her underwear), who hasn't shaved ..... and it therefore causes newspapers, and in particular the sub-editors who write the headline copy in those papers, and who also determine which small stories get a splash on the inside pages, to virtually always include these stories.

So for instance, when fashion student, Nancy Forfana, who was walking to her local supermarket in Gloucester, England, and reported that a beaver had sprung out of a hedge and given her a scare ... it instantly was guaranteed a small story in the national press.

Forfana's Beaver or Maybe Not?
Forfana's Beaver or Maybe Not?

Better still she managed to film the beaver as it advanced toward her. "I thought it was going to attack me, so I ran" .... her assumption was that this was a wild beaver and had come from the nearby river Severn. However. its obviously not a beaver when you watch the poor footage ... it looks like a large hedgehog or possibly an immature badger.

Make your own mind up, but just for information, the official position is that there are no wild beavers in Britain (and in fact there is a campaign to reintroduce them) .... personally if asked I would say that there is wild beaver in Britain, but not the sort the RSPB are campaigning to reintroduce.

 Anyway, as Ms Forfana posed happily for a lot of pictures after the event, she was definitely not bothered by stories about her beaver. 😄

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