In the Black Sea region of Northern Turkey, is the home of a very unique language, comprised of whistling.
Its called called kuş dili.
There are maybe just 10,000 speakers of the language left, which evolved to allow them to communicate across mountain terrain. The last stronghold of this language is Kuskov (bird village), but UNESCO say that the use of mobile phones means that the language now faces extinction.
WiFly Wifi?
EcoLogic Group a Bird charity in Poland placed a a GPS tracker on a Stork to keep a track of its movements, and then promptly lost both the bird and tracker, when the bird had got as far as the Blue Nile Valley in eastern Sudan.
It appears that either the bird was shot for food there, or perhaps the tracker fell off. But whatever the storks fate, somebody apparently found the tracker in Sudan, removed the SIM card, and put it in their own phone. They then racked up 20 hours' worth of phone calls.
The EcoLogic Group organisation has received a phone bill of over 10,000 Polish zloty ($2,700; £2,064), which it had to pay ... the SIM card has we believe, since been deactivated.
The Snails Head Is Showing
Apparently 15 per cent of all snails who are eaten by birds, survive their journey through its intestinal tract unscathed. Evidence that this was true was captured by a man in Luton, Bedfordshire who photographed a snail in an owl pellet, which then broke free.
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Whistling Up The Kids Or Talking To The Neighbours ...... |
Its called called kuş dili.
There are maybe just 10,000 speakers of the language left, which evolved to allow them to communicate across mountain terrain. The last stronghold of this language is Kuskov (bird village), but UNESCO say that the use of mobile phones means that the language now faces extinction.
WiFly Wifi?
EcoLogic Group a Bird charity in Poland placed a a GPS tracker on a Stork to keep a track of its movements, and then promptly lost both the bird and tracker, when the bird had got as far as the Blue Nile Valley in eastern Sudan.
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SIM Card Theft ..... A Real Problem |
It appears that either the bird was shot for food there, or perhaps the tracker fell off. But whatever the storks fate, somebody apparently found the tracker in Sudan, removed the SIM card, and put it in their own phone. They then racked up 20 hours' worth of phone calls.
The EcoLogic Group organisation has received a phone bill of over 10,000 Polish zloty ($2,700; £2,064), which it had to pay ... the SIM card has we believe, since been deactivated.
The Snails Head Is Showing
Apparently 15 per cent of all snails who are eaten by birds, survive their journey through its intestinal tract unscathed. Evidence that this was true was captured by a man in Luton, Bedfordshire who photographed a snail in an owl pellet, which then broke free.
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