
Friday 6 November 2020

In The Presence Of Greatness

We all have moments when we feel the divine ....

The Vishnu Kalki Avatar As Many Expect Him
The Vishnu Kalki Avatar As Many Expect Him

.... or even the sublime.

Sometimes it comes at useful times, and other times not. But its part of the human experience, whether we like to admit it or not.

Take Rameshchandra Fefar of Gujarat in India. He had his moment of the divine, and definitely the sublime on a day in March 2010, while he was sat in his work office. He was at that time the superintending engineer with the Sardar Sarovar dam project on the Narmadar river, near Navagam in Gujarat ..... a post he retained, well up until September 2017.

Back in 2010 he was struck be the realisation that he was in fact nothing less than the Kalki avatar (also called Kalkin, is the prophesied tenth avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu). Now obviously this has some considerable consequence for the 1.25 billion followers of the religion .... so its a bit strange, that once this revelation came to him, he didn't proclaim his presence to the world in 2010.

However he didn't and in fact things in his life seemed to carry on much as before .... however his attendance at his place of work declined, and declined, and well, declined. Eventually it reached a point where even in India it attracted attention, and one of his bosses was forced to question him as to why for instance he had only been in the office for work 16 days in the last 8 months.

Rameshchandra Fefar aka 'Kalki - Lord Vishnu's 10th Avatar'
Rameshchandra Fefar aka 'Kalki - Lord Vishnu's 10th Avatar'

His reply must have taken the reluctant interrogator by surprise "I am Lord Vishnu's 10th incarnation as Kalki. I am doing penance at home by entering into the fifth dimension to change the global conscience." He carried on "This work I cannot do in the office. Thus I don't remain physically in the office".

He went on to state that this divine meditation performed at home, had been part of the reason why India's droughts in 2017 had just ended. Of course now the cat was out of the bag so to speak, and local reporters flocked round to hear Vishnu's 10th Avatar speak.

He told reporters that "Even if you don't believe I am indeed the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu I will prove it in coming days." and that since March 2010 "I am having divine powers". He added that "Just like everybody laughed at me at the tome of the Mahabharata, you guys are doing the same because your unable to see God in me"

Now in the old days in India, before the BJP got a grip on the Indian soul, this man would have been sent for psychiatric evaluation. But we live in strange times in India.

So when you have Indian ministers such as Satyapal Singh (Minister for higher education), who has a postgraduate degree in chemistry from Delhi University, and is a self professed "man of science" who said in 2018, and I quote: "Darwin’s theory is scientifically wrong. It needs to change in the school and college curriculum. Since man is seen on Earth, he has always been a man. Nobody, including our ancestors, in written or oral, said they ever saw an ape turning into a human being.”

Or Shripad Naik, India’s minister for alternative medicine, who has been promoting cows urine as the cure for cancer as well as (by other Hindu activists), being the cure or treatment for many illnesses, including diabetes, epilepsy, and AIDS. He also claimed, falsely that that Prince Charles of Britain used Ayurveda to cure his Covid-19, and the British government had to swiftly issue a statement rejecting his claim

- Then you can see why this man's strange claims didn't result in medical help? I have no idea what happened next, but rest assured the days immediately after, didn't provide any proof of his divinity.

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