
Friday 27 November 2020

The Tiers Keep Falling

I suspect that we are all secretly beginning to think that we will never get out of the Covid-19 mess.

A Sad But Increasingly Common Sight In The UK
A Sad But Increasingly Common Sight In The UK

We have no bars and we have no shows .... the vaccines (when they actually arrive), will probably be needed annually, forever.

We have no politicians who are brave enough to announce that we have to just accept this, and that life is for living, and not for cowering away in fear of something that seriously impacts so few.

I don't know a soul who thinks that the cost we are paying now, is worth the poor result we are getting, with the lock-downs and Covid tiers basically sucking the soul out of all of us. A Christmas like none we have faced in a few generations faces us all in a few weeks.

It's likely that the economy will take years if not decades to recover ... and the debt a century to pay off. Personally I have long given up on ever seeing a normal life again. In fact because I'm single both the lock-downs and the tiers condemn me to total isolation ... I'm not the only one, but we are the forgotten victims of these policies, which assume that people have circles of friends and families, even though sociologists have long shown that the UK increasingly features large numbers of individuals, who live in looser associations with their fellows, than in the past.

So no cheer in prospect for many of us when the national lock-down ends next week, even if we could find anywhere to cheer in the first place.

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