
Friday 2 April 2021

Fated Final Destination - Death

 Sometimes it seems that fate is actually predetermined ....

The Tree Of Fate For Each Man Inevitably Points To Death
The Tree Of Fate For Each Man Inevitably Points To Death ...

.... you can try and put it off, but seemingly not deny it.

The sad case of Yazmina Howard seems to be one of those instances. The 18 year old had a tragic start in life, when she survived her mother's suicide in 2003, after she had jumped from a bridge, taking the then three year old Yazmina with her. She had apparently believed that her abusive former boyfriend planned to kidnap the young Yazmina.

Mother And Daughters Lives And Death Followed The Same Tragic Path ..
Mother And Daughters Lives And Death Followed The Same Tragic Path ...

Yazmina suffered several broken bones and skull injuries in the seven-storey fall, but recovered to grow up. However she was a troubled girl, with a history or psychiatric problems and suicide attempts via drug overdoses. How much of this was linked to issues related to her mothers tragic end, and that she had been with her when she jumped, its hard to say, but it surely must have been a factor.

On the 1st of October 2018 Yazmina killed herself by jumping from a bridge over the M20 motorway ... she believed that she might be pregnant at the time of her death, a fact which the later coroner confirmed - she was 14 weeks pregnant. She had posted a suicide type of note on Instagram on the night of October the 1st, and had already spilt from her boyfriend. Its possible that the news that she would have to retake her multimedia course exam for that year and couldn't progress at Mid Kent College may have been the final catalyst - her friends and family believe that she was let down by the mental health system.

For others death seems to come in an almost impossible manner .... Jill Greninger of  Williamsport, Pennsylvania USA, died in a freak accident ....

Strange Death At Meat Processing Plant
Strange Death At Meat Processing Plant ....

.... at the Economy Locker Storage Company in Pennsylvania, food processing firm which has been in business since the early 1900's.

She was grinding meat when she apparently fell head first in to the working grinder, and was killed "instantly". A colleague said he heard a strange noise coming from the grinder and went to check on her, and found her in the machine. He cut the power and called 911 ..... its not entirely clear how the accident occurred given that no one else had ever suffered a similar event in the decades that the plant had operated.

Finally, for others there seems to be almost a sense of dark humour about how people meet their ends.

Its a sad fact that death brings crowds .... so when someone is killed in a car crash a lot of ghouls will go and gawp at the body and the emergency services when they arrive. So its perhaps no surprise that a road death in Nahuala, in Guatemala, brought out a large number of road death ghouls.

However the tables were turned when a hit and run HGV driver apparently didn't see them, and mowed down the gawpers. At least 18 of them were killed instantly .... the truck was believed to have been driving with no lights on .... the driver was still being hunted when last I checked.

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