
Friday 23 April 2021

Medical or Marital Aid?

I have discussed the embarrassing things that women are happy to carry about their person ...

The Travelling Companion That Every Woman Needs
The Travelling Companion That Every Woman Needs ....

.... even when travelling through airports.  

But I didn't expect to have a chance to write about the same issue with men, but then I wasn't aware of the desperate measures that some men will go through, in order to enhance their manhoods.

Native Iraqi, Adin Azad Amin, of Skokie, Illinois, was travelling to Turkey in 2006 with his mother and two children, and they had to go through security at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The airport security stopped him when they found what they said they thought was a 'hand grenade shaped object' in his luggage. 

When challenged by the female guard, and in the presence of his mother, he allegedly claimed it was a bomb. His female attorney claims that he actually 'whispered that the component was a “pump.” The guard misunderstood, and thought he said “bomb”' ... two words that sound nothing like each other no matter how thick your accent in my opinion Ms Lawyer!

Anyway, he was of course immediately arrested, but in fact the object was later found to be part of a penis enlargement pump. Now quite why he felt the need to try and take this to Turkey with him on a visit, is not known, but he later told officials, that he’d lied about the item, because his mother was nearby and he didn’t want her to hear that it was part of his penis pump.

Initially he faced a very long term of imprisonment if he was charged with terrorism, but this threat was reduced, after he was eventually charged with a felony disorderly conduct, but he still faces up to three years imprisonment. As usual, the press lost interest after the sub editors had their fun, so how this all ended for Mr Amin I can't find out, but I understand that in previous cases like this, the charges are eventually dismissed, or simply reduced to misdemeanour's, and the sentence is probation or supervision.

But the moral of this is, don't carry things on to planes that you wouldn't want your mother to know about!

Update: By a strange coincidence, that is actually a bit weird, I picked up a magazine in May 2021 and this very story was mentioned, and an update provided. The District Attorney apparently decided that there would be no way to prove that he had said 'Bomb' and not 'Pump' as his defence attorney attested, so the charges were dropped. He was allowed to travel to join his family.

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