
Friday 30 April 2021

New Age Cults

Every now and then you see an image that just attracts your interest ....

Vale do Amanhecer (Dawn Valley) Nymphs
Vale do Amanhecer (Dawn Valley) Nymphs

This one is of 'Nymphs' of the Vale do Amanhecer (Dawn Valley) sect in Brazil.

It is a sect of around 139,000 registered adherents in Brazil (with 700 affiliated temples globally), who follow the teachings of the ex-truck driver and medium, Tia Neiva. The teachings incorporate a mixture of elements from Christianity, Spiritism, Mysticism, Afro-Brazilian religions, a belief in flying saucers (which bought the aliens God sent to Earth 32,000 years ago), and ancient Egyptian beliefs.

A 'Nymph' Female Devotee Stops The Traffic
A 'Nymph' Female Devotee Stops The Traffic

I have to say that the most attractive part of the religion to my thinking is the 'Nymphs', the female devotee's of the Vale do Amanhecer religion .... Brazilian women can be very attractive in those outfits!

A Ceremony At The Group's Temple Complex
A Ceremony At The Group's Temple Complex

I've been taken by these special images before ..... and they have always led to an interesting post or two, often related to religious beliefs that I personally don't hold. These  pictures reminded me of an old post ....

Space Brothers, Nordic Aliens, Unarius Academy of Science
Space Brothers, Nordic Aliens, Unarius Academy of Science

From another space men believing religious cult ... this time from the USA. Thus proving that there is nothing new under the sun .....


  1. With a really powerful telescope, they can see Uranus apparently.

    That's the rumour I've heard anyway.

    1. No doubt searching for a black hole? School boy humor never ages haha ... Thanks for the comment, they are always welcome!


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