With the world in the delicate state that it is at the moment ...
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Borders Between Two EU Members Are Often Unmanned |
.... the last thing we would have needed was another war in central Europe.
Cinema Chat Up Lines are usually corny, but apparently my personal favourite ...
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Mae West - Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? |
..... Mae West's "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?" is disputed as to her ever having said it on a film, until the 1978 film Sextette. So perhaps it doesn't count.
We have posted somewhat jokingly about the 'Nottingham Joker', aka the criminal thug Damien Hammond before ....
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Hammond As The Nottingham Public See Him |
.... he's the career criminal, who regularly dresses up as the Joker character from the Batman comics and films. But the jokes now worn thin.
Being an international or domestic terrorist doesn't take much brains ....
Some people are prone to being hypnotised and some people aren't ...
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Some Are More Susceptible To Hypnosis .... |
... why that should be the case, isn't really understood but studies are under way to see if it can be identified.
They used to fear the Tartars and the Mongol hordes in the old Kiev ....
Mongol Siege Of Kiev 1240 AD |
..... the Mongol Horde commanded by Batu Khan aka Tsar Batu, founder of the Golden Horde (Part of the Mongol Empire), with his general Subutai, had conquered the Crimean peninsula and captured Moscow.
Independent Moscow Newspaper Novaya Gazeta has published pictures of Russian primary school children ....
Novaya Gazeta Published Pictures Of Children Arrested ..... |
...... who had been arrested by the police in Moscow.
I think its fair to say that Vladimir Putin has shown his true face to the world ....
Darth Vladimir Has Been Fully Unmasked |
... Now don't get me wrong, no one could seriously think that an ex KGB Lieutenant Colonel would really be a soft man, but initially after assuming power he had tried to convey himself as not being a soviet era cold war leader.