
Friday 15 April 2022

Blind To The Dangers

As the world continues to watch events unfold in Afghanistan .....

Afghan Government Collapsed
The Afghan Government Collapsed
In A Few Days In August 2021.

 ....  as its newly created Emirate, attempts and fails to fill the structure of a 'normal' government, such as education and economic competence, we have to wonder what the future holds for this benighted state.

All its new government ministers are former Taliban fighters, and nearly all are from the non majority Pashtun ethnic group, and ALL are male in its 'inclusive' government. In fact an exact repeat of its previous failed government, the last time it ruled Afghanistan.

Some countries, such as Pakistan and Qatar are advocating that we engage with the Taliban via international aid, and allowing them to be represented at the United Nations. But many potential donor countries are going to find this hard to stomach, as girls are still denied schooling. Even those nations, such as the US and UK, that suggest that they will use all diplomatic and humanitarian methods to stop conditions getting worse in Afghanistan by trying to aid the people of Afghanistan, without aiding the Taliban. 

Helping the general population without aiding the Taliban is a feat its going to be hard to do when you think about it ... even if food and medical aid was somehow given directly to its people, this would just mean that the Taliban can use their resources elsewhere. All the Western leaders have said that any international recognition of the Taliban must be contingent on the group respecting human rights ... also a somewhat unlikely prospect given their record so far.

My own, and many other peoples view is that they are simply barbarians who will revert evermore to type over the coming years ... no matter whether we help or ignore them. It is the very nature of their beliefs that they will act in a certain manner, no matter what front they try to throw up to fool the donor aid countries and the non government organisations.

It is one of all Muslim majority countries inherent weaknesses, that they are easily bent to this hard-line form of Sharia governance, by comparatively small numbers of very hard-line young men with beards, who are prepared to use ruthless violence. The recently collapsed 'democratic' Afghani government, was little different in its weak governance, corruption, cronyism and lack of transparency, than many other similar countries across the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. 

This is why its often the national army that steps in to run these countries, to prevent groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood from gaining power (whether via the voting box, as they did in Egypt), or by violence, as ISIS did in Iraq/Syria ... they (the armed forces), are often the only semi secular organisation, that isn't so weak as to be able to offer no resistance. 

One only has to see what has happened in Iran (and is happening in Turkey, where one party rule seems to settling in), to understand what happens when the armed forces do not step in (or do so too late, as happened in Turkey), to understand how quickly 'Islamic' regimes become entrenched, with the subsequent loss of human rights, and the rule of law. 

African Jihadists
African Jihadists On The Rise

So the rise again of the Afghan Emirate, is really little different from the sudden rise, of the recently defeated ISIS Caliphate that extended across parts of Syria and Iraq. 

Across Africa, the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere, Islamic groups are still striving through the use of extreme violence, to establish similar regimes, and indeed without Western military support for local regimes, would have done so in Mali and elsewhere. For example, al-Shabab, the Somali Taliban jihadist equivalent, blew up the only theatre in the capital Mogadishu in 2012, after it had reopened after 21 years, as they consider live entertainment and films to be morally corrupt. Its reopened again, but for how long is anyone's guess.

You can have several generations of apparently 'democratic' governance in Muslim counties, and then a small group of men will want 'pure Islamic rule,' and the whole pack of democratic cards will collapse and they sweep into power. After all Afghanistan had 20 years free of hardline Islamic governance, and the example of the five years of previous Taliban rule between 1996 and 2001, to understand what letting them back would mean. But 70,000 Taliban fighters, defeated 300,000 government soldiers, and took over a nation of 38 million with barely any resistance.

Its this centuries curse in the West, that Islam was never reformed in the last two centuries, and that Western politicians are seemingly incapable (or more likely unwilling), of recognising the inherent dangers, that continued mass Muslim immigration/asylum is possibly bringing to our liberal democratic societies. 

Muslim countries have to find a way with dealing with the continued chaos in the Islamic world. We in the non Muslim world should not have to re-home millions (or possibly billions) of refugees, escaping from the economic and political poverty that their governments and religion seems to continuously serve up.

If not, then we will eventually reap what we continue to sow.


  1. The crisis in the Ukraine has taken Western eyes off Afghanistan and the newly unstable Pakistan. We may come to regret this, as the problems don't disappear just because we are not looking at it.

    1. Your probably right. The world just deals with the latest problem and ignores last weeks issues. Thanks for the comment.

  2. IS are currently very active in Afghanistan. Mostly against the Shia Hazara community but also against the Taliban. It looks as though the Taliban's claim that they bring security (at least to the Sunni citizens), may be no more true than their claims to be inclusive.

    1. Yes, the Taliban isn't really a government, its just the most dominant of the terrorist groups in the country. Thanks for the comment.

    2. Taliban spokesman Inamullah Samangani said that a ban on video-sharing app TikTok and online multi-player game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) was necessary to "prevent the younger generation from being misled".

      As part of yet another crackdown and reversion to the same form of oppressive government that they practised in their earlier spell in control of Afghanistan, they said they would also ban TV channels from airing what it deemed as "immoral material". Recently they announced fresh bans on music, movies and television soap operas.

      The BBC TV programming along with Voice of America, German company Deutsche Welle and China Global Television Network, were recently taken off air in Afghanistan, after the Taliban ordered local channels not to broadcast content from international partners. Girls girls' secondary schools are still closed .... Taliban Mark II in full swing.

    3. Another bomb attack, this time on the Mawlawi Sekandar Sufi Sunni mosque in the city of Kunduz in Afghanistan has killed 33 people and injured 43 others, including children. IS are not bothered about people or Koran's being destroyed, so where are the Muslims marching on the streets of Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc to complain? Why, there are none, not a one. But if a non muslin burns one or is accused of burning one ... well that's a a different matter.

      They even 'desecrate' Koran's themselves in order to fake Koran burnings by Christians, just to have them arrested or killed ....

    4. There is certainly a large dose of hypocrisy in Muslims reaction to the perceived 'attacks' on Islam .... they don't seem to care when in 99 per cent of cases its other Muslims. Thanks for the comment.

  3. On the 7th of May 2022 women's faces became the latest restriction in Afghanistan after the ruling Taliban announced that women must wear the burqa, an all-covering veil, in public for the first time in decades. Taliban officials described the face veil decree as "advice" but laid out a specific set of escalating steps for anyone not complying.

    Taliban II is now in full swing, with edicts banning women from government jobs, secondary education and from traveling more than 45 miles (72km) without a mahram, or male guardian. The Taliban introduced restrictions to stop women from boarding domestic or international flights without a mahram.

    Sana, who lost her job due to the Taliban takeover and is struggling financially said "It's like being a woman in Afghanistan is a crime. It doesn't matter what they choose for me in terms of dress - I am not leaving my house anyway, the situation is hopeless."

    Najma, a University graduate thinks it's time the international community did more to put pressure on the Taliban when it comes to women's rights. "It breaks my heart, I feel so weak because I feel I have no option other than to obey these stupid rules. I cannot describe how bad this situation is, they are pressuring women and girls and putting us in a cage."

  4. The Taliban Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue have advised female Afghan TV presenters and other women on screen to cover their faces while on air. 'Advice' being an order.

  5. In Afghanistan average incomes have been slashed by a third since the Taliban takeover last August, whilst food prices have risen sharply. Many people eat stale nan breads that were formerly sold as animal food. Humanitarian aid has been delivered in Afghanistan, but not enough and the country is heading towards starvation.

    The Taliban just thought (if they even card), that the Western countries would continue to give the development aid, that Afghanistan was heavily reliant on before they took power, and also not to freeze the country's central bank reserves, after they took power.

    But they still lock women and girls out of education, force them to wear clothes covering their faces with the all-encompassing blue burka that the Taliban enforced during their first stint in power in the 1990, as well as banning much music and TV shows .... they really are amongst the most backward of the idiots who have blighted North Africa, the Middle East and Asia in the last 3 decades ... and that's saying something.

  6. The Taliban have now banned women from visiting all parks in Kabul further removing them from public life in Afghanistan .... what a hell-hole they are turning that country in to.

  7. They are fairly racing back towards their last spell of power ..... a Taliban leader has ordered judges impose Sharia law punishments ... so public amputations, stoning, and public executions are back. So much for their promise to rule more moderately when they retook power last year. Its built in to the religion .... Iran and Saudi Arabia operate very similarly.

  8. The final ban. No university education for women. As one person put it, "Afghanistan is not a country for women but a cage for women."

    1. The Taliban are well named .... as they are all about banning women from everything outside of the house. They are what Islam always descends into once the Imams take control. Iran is barely any better and that's why teens are rebelling there now (they fear the same total repression that Afghanistan examples so clearly, and that's why the protests are woman led).

      Afghanistan has been backward country for most of its existence and every attempt to change this since the mid 60's until 1973, firstly under Mohammed Zahir Shah (a new constitution was introduced in 1964 which made Afghanistan a modern democratic state by introducing free elections, a parliament, civil and political rights, women's rights, and universal suffrage), then the Soviet era (women's rights, and universal suffrage), then the Coalition backed regime (free elections, a parliament, civil and political rights, women's rights, and universal suffrage), have all been reversed by coups or civil wars.

  9. No, the final ban by these inadequate Muslim male zealots is this:

    The ban on women working for

    The only ones who can help the Afghans now are themselves. They refused to fight the Taliban takeover (twice) and rejected Western attempts to modernise the country, so can never expect Western military help again. So that only leaves themselves.

    1. Thanks for the update. Yes, only the Afghans can help them now. They either accept living in the 7th century or fight the Taliban. I think we all know that its the former rather than the latter option that will prevail.

    2. Afghanistan is a backward land. No one should help them. They have the government that they deserve. They learnt nothing the 1st time the Taliban had power and they let them take control a 2nd time.

    3. Its a remarkably corrupt country, so perhaps its no surprise that the Taliban virtually walked back in to power a second time.

  10. The repression of women just carries on. Now women's beauty salons and hair dressers are being closed. Women are now simply property and chattels under the Taliban.


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