
Friday 29 April 2022

Mental Gun Factory

It never ceases to amaze me how easily people with supposed mental disabilities ....

Autistic Criminals
Autism Is Not A Hindrance To Criminal Activities

..... can execute sophisticated crimes such as computer hacking. 

They often live normal lives (including jobs, wives/girlfriends), and then claim that they can't be held accountable for their crimes, because they suddenly weren't able to understand what they had been doing. Usually this convenient inability to manage, is ascribed to Aspberger's syndrome, which is apparently a very flexible condition, in that its often not a problem until the sufferers get caught hacking the Pentagon etc. 

Autistic Gun Maker
Aaron Melville - Autistic Gun Maker

However occasionally the mental disability is something other than Aspberger's, and then the get out of jail card is not so certain. Take Aaron Melville a 21 year old from Dove Holes, near Buxton Derbyshire, who had been diagnosed with Autism. A condition that as perceived by the film Rain Man leaves the sufferer unable to manage on their own. 

But Mr Melville shows us a different side to this illness when he turned his bedroom in his mothers house in to a gun factory. He ordered gun components including blank firing guns on-line then converted the pieces into working firearms (with ammunition), which he sold to criminals. 

Police Raid Weapon Haul
His Haul Included Both Guns And Home Made Weapons

When police raided the house they found a large number of weapons, and gun parts with his DNA on a completed and loaded .9mm handgun which was awaiting collection by gangsters who had paid for it. Receipts showed that he had ordered three Retay blank firing pistol replicas on 11 September 2020 but police found that in all he had ordered 25 blank firearms in all which had cost him up to £3,840, whilst unemployed. Photo's on his phone showed him posing with weapons. 

Retay Blank Firing Pistols
Retay Blank Firing Pistols Are Realistic Looking

When he went to court, he admitted the offences and didn't apparently try the mentally disabled defence so beloved by UK lawyers (or if he did. it failed), because the judge handed out a prison sentence of five years and seven months. 

Whether this marks the end of this type of defence against conviction or imprisonment for criminal activities, committed by people claiming that their mental disability meant that they they can't be held responsible for their actions, This despite them living otherwise normal lives. I guess we shall have to wait and see .... but I suspect not. 

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