
Friday 1 July 2022

Cancel Culture Epidemic

We in the Western liberal democracies are in the middle of a cancel culture epidemic ....

Standard TV Snowflake Warning These Days
Standard TV Snowflake Warning These Days ....


which is aimed solely at white men and some white women, of both historical past, and our current times.

Everything we have said and done to-date, is now subject to being rewritten, or cancelled. No other culture is doing this .... ask the Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Turks or Arabs etc if they should apologise for, and deny their own history, simply to accommodate other races, especially immigrant groups. I think we know the answer you would get.

But in the UK, and I'll wager, the USA as well, if you watch any old film on TV now, you will invariably get a pre-show warning that is along the lines of 'The following programme contains language and views that reflect societies opinion at that time' ...

They Knew How To Deal With Snowflakes In Those Day
They Knew How To Deal With Snowflakes In Those Day .....

.... even 1950's 60s Westerns are not spared this, despite the language being moderate, and violence being largely bloodless .... but hey, when its white men killing each other, that's OK, but its definitely problematic when they are killing Red Indians ... err Native Americans ... or is it First Nation? (I get confused with the constant label changes), and only occasionally getting killed in return.

So today, people such as Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Chris Rock, JK Rawling, and Ricky Gervais amongst others, have faced social and mainstream media backlash for speaking opposite of the leftie twitter hive mind. Such is the fear that this relentless stream of attacks engendered, that even the feminist icon Madonna, who has in the recent past joked about blowing up the White House during Trump’s Presidency, has now started to express her legitimate fear of cancel culture.

“That’s something I want to disturb,” she said. “I want to disturb the fact that we’re not encouraged to discuss it. I believe that our job [as artists] is to disturb the status quo. The censoring that’s going on in the world right now, that’s pretty frightening. No one’s allowed to speak their mind right now. No one’s allowed to say what they really think about things for fear of being cancelled, cancel culture. In cancel culture, disturbing the peace is probably an act of treason.”

Recently Whoopi Goldberg upset many in certain quarters with her opinions: MSNBC news anchor Mika Brzezinski told her viewers, that Goldberg had said. “The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man… But these are two groups of white people,” but defended Goldberg from the backlash … "this unbelievable need to punish and judge people when they’ve made a mistake.” She then added, “If Whoopi Goldberg is cancelled, that would be the end of this all. This cancel culture is getting so out of hand.” 

But in fact, this is just the beginning of it all, not the end of it all .....  Its now reached such a level that the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) who provide access to many millions of descriptions and digital copies, of the permanent records of the United States federal government, have been infected.

It has now gone WOKE, and in the spirit of the Cancel Culture now labels every historical document they have digitized withHarmful Language Alerts, warning readers of potentially triggering language, words or descriptions. These alerts, now automatically appears on every page of the online catalogue, they even appear on the USA's founding documents, such as the US Constitution, saying that some of the documents may:

  • Reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir and xenophobic opinions and attitudes.
  • Be discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion and more.
  • Include graphic content of historical events such as violent death, medical procedures, crime, wars/terrorist acts, natural disasters and more.
  • Demonstrate bias and exclusion in institutional collecting and digitization policies.

The National Archives issued a statement ..... "The Catalog and web pages contain some content that may be harmful or difficult to view. NARA’s records span the history of the United States, and it is our charge to preserve and make available these historical records. As a result, some of the materials presented here may reflect outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions. In addition, some of the materials may relate to violent or graphic events and are preserved for their historical significance."

Now I should clarify that they don't edit or delete documents or contents, but the fact that we now have societies that are so snowflake that they might be hurt or harmed by simply viewing or reading every document held in the US national archives is a sign of a societal cultural sickness rather than a healthy one.

Just my opinion of course, and if you have been offended by this, or any other that I may have expressed in the past (or future), then remember this, while we both still have free speech, then both you and I still have hope for a free future. The moment one, or both of us, don't, then this really is the 'end of this all'.

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